
纽约 - 2022年4月29日 - 时尚,汽车和家具市场的主要全球参与者,Lectra Designs工业情报解决方案 - 软件,设备,数据和服务 - 针对品牌,制造商和零售商。Lectra正在为定制制造公司(BMC)为其在亚利桑那州凤凰城的制造地点配备其GerberComcucark®系列和Gerber Z1切割机。

BMC是量身定制的女装制造商,以其革命性的按需商业模式而闻名,通过陆上生产提供定制的服装,以提高可持续性和盈利能力。所有产品都在制造之前出售,最大程度地减少织物废物和多余的库存,从而大大降低了成本。通过采用这种模型,BMC还获得了敏捷性,以帮助其客户对消费者需求,口味和偏好的突然变化做出反应。定制制造公司首席执行官J. Kirby Best说:“我们的目标是通过将制造时间从几个月减少到几分钟来提供传统供应链的可行替代方案。”

BMC选择了Lectra的Gerber Z1 Cutter和Gerber Accumark CAD系统来为其iCreate.Fashion平台提供动力,该平台是其点播工厂的骨干。This technological ecosystem incorporates a digital printing solution, the Kornit Presto, and Lectra’s AccuMark 2D, AccuMark Made-to-Measure solutions, as well as the GERBERcutter® Z1 allowing BMC to go from designing to printing and cutting and sewing within minutes, without facing the risk of errors. With Lectra’s solutions, BMC can streamline and automate the on-demand production process, without having to handle complex logistical issues and long lead times. As a result, they can achieve high throughput using less resources and labor, ensure consistent profitability, and expand their business to other regions with the same production model.


