
吉姆·菲利普斯(Jim Phillips),纱线市场编辑


the White House maintains the COVID-19 crisis is on the wane, setting up a safe reopening of the economy. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that opening too quickly and without proper procedures could produce a deadly new wave of outbreaks.

有一种几乎可以进行大规模分配的疫苗,或者没有。有效的待遇要么存在,要么不存在 - 全部取决于来源。没有哪一方是正确的,一个事实是可以肯定的:美国纺纱厂在帮助战斗中发挥了重要作用。与其关闭商店并等到疾病消失或资源耗尽,不止几个旋转器将注意力转向帮助保护医生,护士和其他人员的前线,以打击SARS的传播和症状-COV-2病毒。

例如,Unifi Inc.正在为100多家生产面具,礼服和其他个人保护设备以及医疗和军事人员所需的面具,礼服和其他个人保护设备的公司提供纱线和纤维。Unifi的纤维是生产数百个关键组件和产品的重要成分。一家Unifi客户,总部位于Lumberton N.C.的当代面料公司,通常为每年的这个时候提供棒球制服的面料,但是本季的面料正在转移到医疗面具和礼服的生产。使用现代面料的工厂归运动装备生产商狂热者所有。重新利用的织物是来自Unifi在北卡罗来纳州Yadkinville的运营的100%聚酯纤维。

当代总统罗恩·罗奇(Ron Roach)说:“我们很荣幸我们的面料能够帮助医务人员,第一响应者和军事人员每天都在努力打击19 Covid-19的爆发。”“只有在美国纺织行业,您才能找到使用棒球统一面料解决面具短缺的创造力。”
另一个Unifi客户,它,外教工作不死鸟Engineered Textiles Inc., uses Unifi fiber and yarn to make elastic strapping for face masks. The yarn for the familiar yellow straps is dyed in Unifi’s
即使是由于病毒而目前不开展业务的公司也在贡献。北卡罗来纳州伊甸园的Gildan Yarns已捐赠



“There is a huge interest and need for homemade cloth masks, but we found little data on how good various fabrics are as filters for masks,” said senior author Supratik Guha, professor with the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and a scientist at Argonne. “According to these results, it’s possible to get very good filtering with commonly available fabrics, but the wearer only gets maximum protection if the fit is very close to your face.”

their tests revealed that one layer of a tightly woven cotton sheet, combined with two layers of polyester-based chiffon — a sheer fabric often used in evening gowns — filtered out the most aerosol particles — from 80 percent to 99 percent, depending on particle size. Substituting the chiffon with natural silk or a polyester-cotton flannel, or simply using a cotton quilt with cotton-polyester batting, produced similar results.
