


Mount Vernon Mills Vice President and Secretary Ned Cochrane has seen it all in his 30-plus years at the Mauldin, S.C.-based manufacturer. He said the industry’s resurgence is real and sustainable thanks to a confluence of factors and circumstances.



更高的劳动率、运输有限公司sts and energy tabs in Asia, coupled with a substantial appreciation in the value of the yuan, have helped spur a blended marketplace strategy with a strong focus on American-made textiles. The industry generated $56.7 billion in shipments in 2015 — a five-year increase of 13.4 percent — decades after many thought U.S. textiles were dead.



“我们认为,美国的消费者将越来越多地将他们的支持定位在正在美国投资的品牌和公司之后,”高质量品牌家庭服装的主要供应商Gildan的公共与公司事务高级副总裁Peter Iliopoulos说。“过去三年来,我们在美国投资了3.5亿美元。吉尔丹(Gildan)利用了美国棉花的高质量和卓越价值,并以熟练的劳动力,低能源成本和稳定的投资气氛相称。”


当今美国纺织业的优势包括新的制造设施,里面装满了最先进的设备和熟练的劳动力,可以用更少的工作来做得更多。在2002年至2012年之间,美国纺织厂的生产率提高了34%,在生产率上所有工业领域中最高。舞者和午餐桶的日子已经一去不复返了。当今的美国工厂并不是叮当灰尘的地方,在这里,Lappers每天将生棉喂入纸板的锋利金属牙齿中八个小时。低工资,低技术的工作已经消失,全面的计算机技能和专门的培训正在进行中 - 美国经济生态系统的新成员依赖于掌握这些机器的定制,尖端技术和工人。

“我们毫所有权已投资逾100美元on back into the company to modernize facilities and increase productivity,” said Cochrane. “We went out and got the best equipment money could buy, so we needed a more skilled workforce to handle it. As a result, our productivity is through the roof.”

“We have invested significantly in new equipment, technology and process improvements over the last 10 years,” said Iliopoulos. “Many of the innovative solutions now in our facilities were deployed through collaboration between our employees and our suppliers. We do not believe we could have achieved this level of success without that connection between our people and technology.”


Creating Jobs And Growing The Bottom Line

Increased demand and investments in technology have helped American textile companies achieve phenomenal growth, both in domestic job creation and the bottom line.

The increased demand for quality, domestically sourced textiles from state-of-the-art U.S. facilities has stemmed the tide of job losses that characterized the industry during the Great Recession. Today, the overall textile sector — from textile fibers to apparel — employs more than 500,000 workers.

The rise of the machines also has correlated to a rise in pay for skilled textile workers. In 2014, the average textile wage was $37,900 compared to $28,216 in 2002. In fact, textile workers earn 143 percent more than apparel store workers while also receiving health care and pension benefits.

“The introduction of more sophisticated technology within each process, with complicated circuitry and software driving almost all textile equipment, has elevated textile jobs,” Iliopoulos said. “We believe the shift toward sustainability in textiles has also created job opportunities, and the factors driving these changes will likely continue into the future.”

nctonumbersbInnovating For The Future

“When things get tough, the easy thing to do is quit,” said ITG’s Burlington Group President Jeff Peck. “And once you quit, you’ve sealed your fate. So even when we were down, we never stopped development, and we never stopped innovating. Our customers today want products that do more and that have a story to tell, so they can create differentiation in the marketplace.”

Thinking differently has paid off for ITG. In 2007, just six years after filing for bankruptcy, ITG’s Burlington Group launched Burlington Labs, a state of the art “petri-dish” where ideas become reality.


Innovation in the industry has led to two new growth categories — nonwovens and technical textiles. Nonwovens are fiber-based products made of fabric that is compressed, heated or tangled, like felt. Envelopes, facial wipes, mops and medical scrubs are nonwovens. In the last decade, North Carolina has gained 1,945 jobs in the nonwoven products business.




“Today’s end-users don’t just wear textiles for comfort, they rely on them,” Peck said. “They need textiles for their safety, their health and their wellness. What we do now is more important than it’s ever been.”

编者注:本文出现在188BET金博宝下载courtesy of the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) as part of the “American Textiles: We Make Amazing™”campaign. NCTO is a trade association representing U.S. textile manufacturing. Please visit ncto.org to learn more about NCTO, the industry and the campaign.
