
CouncilsTWSpecial Report





纤维委员会代表国内纺织纤维生产商,目前由总部位于南卡罗来纳州韦尔福德市总裁Leigh Fibers Inc. Don Bockoven主持,Leigh Fibers每年都会从广泛的供应商那里购买约3亿磅的纺织废物。一旦分类,纤维将使用品牌和特定于客户的纤维混合物来创建。

the United States will continue to be advantaged in the cost of natural gas, a primary feedstock for many synthetic fibers.
- NCTO光纤理事会主席Don Bockoven;总裁Leigh Fibers Inc.

the Yarn Council represents domestic yarn manufacturers with Frontier Spinning Mills Inc.’s CEO Robin Perkins currently serving as chairman.


面料和家具委员会代表了国内制造商,包括编织,编织,无织,簇绒,编织或其他家具。理事会由格林伍德·米尔斯公司(Greenwood Mills Inc.)的总裁杰伊·塞尔(Jay Self)主持。该公司总部位于其同名城市格林伍德(Greenwood,S.C。),从纤维到成品织物生产纺织品,其子公司Singlessource服装(SSA)是美洲最大的非品牌服装制造商之一。

第四委员会是行业支持委员会,其中包括纺织品分销商;纺织品的转换器,染料,打印机和整理器;以及此类纤维和纺织实体的产品和服务供应商。总部位于美国南卡罗来纳州的格林维尔,美国公司的Picanol Inc.总裁西里尔·格林(Cyril Guerin)目前担任董事长。Picanol开发,生产和销售高科技机喷射和剑杆机编织机。如今,世界各地大约有2600台编织磨坊使用皮肤醇机械,总计超过175,000台编织机。




Beyond fundamental market factors, future investment is also dependent on sound government policy. Competitive tax and regulatory structures are vital.

- Jay Self,NCTO面料和家具委员会主席;总裁Greenwood Mills Inc.


Fabric & Home Furnishings Chair Self stated: “I think the majority of the investments have been predominately in open-end spinning. The low labor content and competitive electrical rates have made this a good investment. We are starting to see some investment in weaving with some of the new speeds out there. This is primarily replacement and not new capacity.




吉林说,单位的优势之一ed States is a closeness to the market. “Proximity,” Guerin said. “We are a Belgium-based company with more than 50 years of presence in the United States. We established our company in Greenville in 1970 to serve our customers. What was true then is still valid today, even more so with the rapid pace at which the end users change their needs.”


As technology, including automation, continues to become more advanced, U.S. textile companies are faced with opportunities as well as challenges.


Finding skilled employees for the industry is a challenge according to Bockoven. “At the end of 2017, there were almost 6 million jobs in the United States unfilled. The textile industry is no different than the rest of the country in the challenges with attracting and retaining employees. We have been working to develop a strong succession plan and have promoted several millennials into critical positions because of what they’ve accomplished and the potential they’ve shown.”

“The most effective innovations increase flexibility and speed to market,” Fabric Chair Self said. “Also they allow us to take advantage of new fibers and their properties. We have become more proactive in training our workforce and have started apprenticeship programs with the school districts to promote workforce training.”



We will continue to invest responsibly in our plants to stay on top of technology.

- 罗宾·珀金斯(Robin Perkins),NCTO纱线理事会主席;Frontier Spinning Mills Inc.首席执行官

“We offer innovation to one of the oldest industries in the world,” Industry Support Chair Guerin said. “Weaving is a process that has not changed much in 5,000 years! But with highly-advanced looms, we take weaving to an all new level of performance. And there is definitely more to come. Our machines are already Industry 4.0 enabled — as in are capable of capturing and processing huge amounts of sensoric data — and these data will be used ever more to further optimize the weaving process.”



“ Cafta地区需要扩大其产品,以便成为零售买家的一站式商店。在逻辑上,美国纺织品供应商的位置比其他任何人都更好地为美国零售业提供服务。我们需要扩展产品产品以匹配目前由亚洲提供的产品。”珀金斯补充说。



- NCTO行业支持委员会主席西里尔·格林(Cyril Guerin);美国皮契诺醇的总裁

“随着世界每天越来越小,至关重要的是,将大量的差异化在桌面上,”行业支持主席格林在讨论了行业的变化和驱动因素时说。“ Picanol的美国客户非常有能力开发新产品,新解决方案和新服务。现代织机的性能,多功能性和节俭性使他们变得更有竞争力,不仅在家,而且在世界市场上也更具竞争力。”

纤维主席博科文(Bockoven)说:“自动化的持续努力,专注于循环经济和大规模定制方面的努力都将产生一定的影响,这将影响未来的行业。我会预见到,随着劳动力挑战的继续,我会继续对自动化进行投资。陪审团仍在谈论循环经济思维将如何在过去20年左右的时间里回收利用的行业中如何发挥作用。例如,诸如Unifi®的Repreve®,例如再生聚酯纤维 - 付出了很大的努力,还有很多事情要做。”

the Council System Benefits NCTO’s Message

“NCTO membership brings industry connectivity, camaraderie and leverage,” Bockoven said. “The relationship with industry is critical as evidenced by NCTO providing a unified voice in regulatory affairs and trade negotiations. While the Trans-Pacific Partnership is no longer on the table, the industry partnership during the negotiations was second to none. The relationship with the community is critical in demonstrating to employees the commitment to the area where we all live and work.

“ NCTO不仅为我们提供了一个统一的阵线向我们的立法者展示,而且还研究了我们行业面临的问题,并为我们提供了对我们个人和整个行业有益的解决方案和/或建议。”珀金斯椅子。关于行业,公司与社区之间的关系,珀金斯说:“这就是我们存在的原因。我们需要地方政府来支持我们作为企业公民,以便我们可以维持一支成功的劳动力,从而支持我们的社区和当地企业。支持我们当地的学校和社区大学是发展一个强大的社区的关键,该社区培养努力工作的公民和领导者。”




Editor’s Note: This article appears in Textile World courtesy of the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) as part of the “American Textiles: We Make Amazing™” campaign. NCTO is a trade association representing U.S. textile manufacturing. Please visit to learn more about NCTO, the industry and the campaign.
