Rosenfeld and Carboni: Investing In Polyester

Fiber Industries LLC recently invested more than $30 million to open a new polyester fiber operation in the former Wellman Palmetto facility in Darlington, S.C.

Fiber Industries LLC recently invested more than $30 million to open a new polyester fiber operation in the former Wellman Palmetto facility in Darlington, S.C.


FIber Industries LLC最近投资了超过3000万美元,在南卡罗来纳州达灵顿的前Wellman Palmetto设施中开设新的聚酯纤维操作。有机会重新启动Palmetto植物并将工作带到达灵顿地区。管理团队在尽职调查过程中观察到的当地劳动力能力给人留下了深刻的印象。”

Rosenfeld previously worked in chemical and energy investing at Citadel LLC and Impala Asset Management. He was also an equity analyst for the chemical and refining sector at Prudential and Schroder & Co. Ltd.

安德鲁·罗森菲尔德(Andrew Rosenfeld)

Rosenfeld supported the development of the merchant chemicals commercial platform at Koch Industries and led Marathon Oil’s chemicals business after working as a refining engineer and serving in an economics and planning role. He holds an MBA from American University and a B.S. in Chemical and Petroleum-Refining Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines.

Leandro Carboni

Carboni formerly served as a vice president at LyondellBasell Industries and as an officer at Third Coast International where he oversaw the global chemical, oil and gas business. Carboni has extensive experience in business management that includes leading a multinational workforce and operations in Europe, Asia, and South America. Leandro holds an MBA from the University of Sao Paulo, a business certificate from the Wharton School of Business, a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from Paulista University and a B.S. in Marketing from Getulio Vargas University.

188BET金博宝下载最近有机会跟Rosenfeld and Carboni about the new operation and its position in the industry.


Fiber Industries: At the time, textile imports accounted for about 50 percent of the market, but consumers are interested in a local, reliable source. As global production economics began to shift, some manufacturing started returning to the United States. We saw an opportunity to bring manufacturing back to Darlington County, S.C., a community that supports local business and has a strong manufacturing-skilled workforce. As we explored the manufacturing site, we recognized the plant was prime for utilization. After completing significant due diligence, we determined the facility and its assets were in good shape and it was clear that when the plant closed, the equipment was shut down in a way that supported the ability to restart. We also realized an opportunity to rehire much of the same workforce that resides in the community.


TW: What products is Fiber Industries producing in Darlington County?



fi: Our goal was to restore the workforce and culture of this company and we recognized an opportunity to support that long-term by stitching together a new technology infrastructure with a focus on efficiency. We installed Rockwell/Maverick process control and manufacturing enterprise systems, coupled with Microsoft NAV as the basis of its Enterprise Resource System. On the business operations side, we installed an Avaya IP Office unified communications system. It supports our core business functions and because it’s cloud-based, will remain cost-effective and scale with us as our business grows. By opting for this cloud-based communications system, we saved 35 percent on the cost of an on premise alternative.


fi: The state-of-the-art process control and management ERP system to allow us to make real-time operating decisions more effectively, which will allow us to serve our customers better.

基于云的统一通信系统可提供企业级功能,例如会议,语音邮件到通讯和移动设备集成,员工可以从办公室,工厂地板或远程访问。我们只有一个IT专业人士,因此统一通信技术提供的敏捷性对于我们的业务成功至关重要。例如,我们可以在移动设备上下载应用程序,并轻松传输或路由电话,设置会议或使用即时消息传递与团队进行通信。在远程工作的同时,这是生产力的巨大资源。这种功能使我们能够与团队保持密切联系。对于我们的客户来说,它可以确保Fiber提供无缝的体验,并帮助我们为我们希望团队提供的那种出色服务设定了标准。Avaya IP Office系统也很安全。它带有内置信号和媒体加密,可保留隐私和数据完整性。

适合1TW: What kind of jobs do workers do in the office/plant at Fiber Industries?

fi: Every job on the plant floor is geared towards a specific task in a specific area. All of our employees have different skill sets, and those range from a highly skilled operator of a control panel down to a warehouse operator who manages logistics so our customers receive the correct products, on time.


fi:Fiber Industries正在最终确定该设施的升级;我们将开始加强操作,并于10月下旬开始交付规格产品。我们认为,基于我们致力于支持客户的需求并为他们增加价值的承诺,我们看到了增长的机会。

There is a lot of unused capacity on site, and we see potential for brown-field expansion down the line. The innovation in manufacturing right now is exciting and Fiber is in an interesting position for growth. Polyester is a versatile product used in everything from clothing to carpet and the industry continues to find new opportunities.

November/December 2018