
SÃO PAULO — January 25, 2021 — Arcos Dorados, the largest independent McDonald’s franchise in the world which operates restaurants in Latin America and the Caribbean, advances in its commitment to drive a positive impact on the environment, announcing the substitution of the plastic trays used by clients in its outlets with a more sustainable version.

这项措施是减少塑料在总结的一部分m that began in 2018. Since then, over 1,300 tons of single-use plastic have been removed from the restaurants. The plan is to continue on this path, minimizing the use of virgin materials throughout logistics, supply chain, and manufacturing to measurably offset the chain’s carbon footprint.

新托盘代表了Arcos Dorados和UBQ Materials之间合作伙伴关系的第一步,Arcos Dorados和UBQ Materials是一家总部位于以色列的公司,该公司已为将家庭废物转化为气候阳性,生物基础,热塑性的技术专利。不应与需要高度发达的分类的标准回收混淆,UBQ的技术会收到垃圾填埋的用途废物,其中包括所有内容;食物剩菜,纸张,纸板和混合塑料,可以将其全部转换为与行业机械和制造标准兼容的单个复合热塑性材料。


By converting waste and giving it new life as a raw material in manufacturing, UBQ prevents the pollution and harmful greenhouse gas emissions related to landfill decomposition. Every ton of UBQ produced prevents nearly 12 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent into the environment. According to Quantis, global leader of environmental impact assessments, this metric qualifies UBQ™ as the most climate positive thermoplastic on the market. The production of the first 18,000 trays represents an estimated reduction of 3,713 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Arcos Dorados的可持续发展和社会影响力总监Gabriel Serber说:“作为一家公司,我们全面致力于环境,以通过我们的食谱来减少运营的影响。”“与UBQ的合作伙伴关系是介绍越来越多的创新解决方案以改善我们周围世界的又一步,我们很自豪地迈出第一步,支持一项将改变社会回收其有机废物的技术。”

新托盘由巴西公司Semaza生产,该公司的工厂位于大圣保罗地区的桑塔纳·德·帕纳巴(Santana deParnaíba)。用UBQ制作的托盘的引入将逐渐扩展到链中的其他单元,而从餐厅撤回的旧托盘模型将用于Arcos Dorados促进的循环经济项目。

“UBQ has the potential to revolutionize the way we view waste, transforming it from a liability into a valuable resource for manufacturing,” says Albert Douer, Executive Chairman of UBQ Materials. “The market at large is demanding sustainable solutions and the fast-food industry is no exception. UBQ enables manufacturers to create products that positively impact our world, without compromising on profitability – the solution is as simple as implementation.”


UBQ材料生产的托盘的实施补充了一系列的Arcos Dorados倡议,重点是减少和有意识地使用塑料,包括替代某些产品的包装以及在其餐厅积极分配稻草的暂停,这已经避免了一年内消耗约200吨一次性塑料。要了解Arcos Dorados的举措和社会环境承诺,请访问网站www.receitadofuturo.com.br。



资料来源:UBQ Materials Ltd.