Danimer Scientific Planning $ 7亿美元,乔治亚州迪凯特县的400个工作扩张。

佐治亚州亚特兰大市 - 2021年3月29日 - 州长Brian P. Kemp今天宣布,可生物降解材料的开发商和制造商Danimer Scientific计划投资7亿美元用于扩大其Bainbridge制造业务,几乎将其在迪亚特县的劳动力倍增。3月16日,Danimer和Mars-Wrigley宣布建立合作伙伴关系,以开发创新的家用堆肥包装,Skittles®是该品牌使用新包装的第一个产品。

“我想感谢Danimer investme计划nt in Bainbridge that will create hundreds of solid manufacturing jobs for the hardworking people of southwest Georgia,” said Governor Kemp. “Across multiple industries, Georgia is growing jobs of the future. This major expansion is a testament to the increasing focus Georgia is putting on sustainability and innovation, supported by our highly skilled workforce, technical colleges, and business-friendly climate.”


“Georgia has been a welcoming home for Danimer since the company’s inception, and we are grateful for the opportunity to continue growing our roots in the region,” said Stephen Croskrey, CEO of Danimer Scientific. “With access to the state’s robust logistics infrastructure and top-notch talent coming from local universities, we are in a strong position to make our vision of replacing traditional plastic with 100% renewable and biodegradable alternatives a reality. We could not be more pleased with the growing commitments to sustainable solutions by multinational companies, which has allowed us to double the planned size of this new facility.”


“Reducing the environmental impacts of plastic waste is one of the most critical issues facing the world today, so we are proud to welcome home a project that will play a key role in solving it,” said Rick McCaskill, executive director of the Development Authority of Bainbridge and Decatur County. “We look forward to supporting Danimer Scientific in bringing this innovative technology from Decatur County to the rest of the world.”

“Danimer Scientific would not be what it is today without the support we have received from the Bainbridge community over the years,” said Michael Smith, COO at Danimer Scientific. “In particular, we’d like to thank the Development Authority of Decatur County and the State of Georgia for their assistance in making this process smooth and efficient as we prepare plans for the new facility.”

高级项目经理蒂娜·鲱鱼(Tina Herring)代表佐治亚州经济发展部(GDECD)全球商务部该竞争项目,与班布里奇(Bainbridge)和迪凯特县(Decatur County),南部地区技术学院,乔治亚州(Georgia)快速起步和佐治亚州Power合作。

GDECD专员Pat Wilson表示:“我们很高兴看到像Danimer这样的创新公司继续从他们位于佐治亚州西南部的家中发展和繁荣发展,我感谢我们的经济发展合作伙伴对我们现有行业的持续支持。”“像Danimer这样的佐治亚州公司继续领导迈向绿色制造业的未来,当他们推动可持续解决方案的前进时,我们很高兴成为他们的合作伙伴。”

Danimer Scientific是创造更可持续,更自然的制造塑料产品的先驱。十多年来,该公司的可再生和可持续生物聚合物帮助创造了可生物降解和可堆肥的塑料产品。他们回到大自然而不是污染环境。Danimer Scientific的技术可以在人们每天使用的众多塑料最终产品中找到。Danimer Scientific的生物聚合物的应用包括添加剂,水性涂料,纤维,细丝,膜,热融化粘合剂和注射式的物品等。该公司现在在20多个国家 /地区拥有一系列制造工艺和生物聚合物配方的20多个国家 /地区的专利申请,持有150多个授予专利申请。

Posted April 1, 2021
