
Leib Oehmig

格伦·乌鸦(Glen Raven)’s CEO Leib Oehmig discusses the company’s first corporate sustainability report, “Continuing A Pattern Of Good”


Founded in 1880, Glen Raven Inc., Glen Raven, N.C., has grown from its cotton mill beginnings to a global performance textile leader offering branded fabrics including Sunbrella®, Dickson®, GlenGuard®, and Strata®. The company’s three divisions — Glen Raven Custom Fabrics, Glen Raven Technical Fabrics and Trivantage® — bring a wide variety of upholstery, marine, technical shading, automotive, military, geotextile and protective workwear products to the marketplace.

Today, Glen Raven is global with locations in 23 countries and sales in more than 120 countries.


“As the world evolves, we feel it is important to be more transparent about our actions, acknowledge the work we’ve done and continue to challenge ourselves to be an even stronger champion of sustainability,” Glen Raven’s CEO Leib Oehmig said about the CSR. “We owe it to future generations to continue to be a business that demonstrates success while contributing to the greater good of our planet.”


  • Pillar 1 – Supporting Our People and Communities; and
  • Pillar 2 – Sustaining Our Planet

每个支柱都侧重于四个关键领域 - 员工,社区,环境影响和循环经济。

188BET金博宝下载最近,有机会与Oehmig谈论Glen Raven的第一个CSR。


Oehmig:如果您非常了解Glen Raven,您知道这不是我们不得不做的事情。格伦·拉文(Glen Raven)不寻求宣传或为我们所做的工作寻求荣誉。我们真的在工作,并为我们的所有利益相关者(无论是我们的客户,员工还是供应商)做正确的事情。但是我们的利益相关者现在想知道。他们希望我们变得更加透明,并希望我们使自己更加负责。格伦·乌鸦(Glen Raven)
is clearly interested in this because it will make us a better company.


TW:在审查格伦·拉文(Glen Raven)的公司可持续性报告时,显然既详细又全面,并且员工参与很高。是否存在选择将实施哪些程序以及在哪些时间表上的财务指标?

Oehmig:在Glen Raven,我们作为一家私人公司拥有的特权之一是我们可以长期观察。当我们开始考虑如何影响我们服务的所有社区,客户或

这些事情对我们来说同样重要 - 围绕着领导,安全和志愿服务以及当然可以的可持续性 - 我们将找到一种将事物融合在一起的方法。

This is a journey, but we want to have a high level of urgency surrounding all of the goals.

TW:格伦·拉文(Glen Raven)以创新而闻名,是纺织世界创新奖的过去。188BET金博宝下载您认为哪些技术进步对公司的可持续发展目标产生了最大的影响?

Oehmig: Equipment manufacturers are making investments and they are thinking about the same things that we are. We work hand-in-hand with them and have partnerships with our suppliers — and I’m not speaking just for textile processing, but all things related to our broader textile manufacturing processes — and are working together on how to make the process more efficient, create less waste and consume less energy. Even in our building construction. Our last major greenfield project, which was our distribution center — and people generally don’t think much about a distribution center and a warehouse — but it was important to us that that project be LEED [Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design] certified. We keep that top of mind in everything that we do, and for our projects going forward, we’ll continue to work hand-in-hand with our contractors, system providers and all of our equipment providers to make sure that we are leading in terms of the equipment we are deploying.

I also want to say that a large part of our focus over the past decade has been on reducing waste and reducing waste streams with a goal of having all of our global operations producing no waste that ends up in a landfill. We’re still on that journey, but we are very close. Part of that is reducing the materials that we use and also providing other applications and creating other products to utilize those waste streams.

Sunbrella的Retweed Collection使用多达93%的再生内容组成,其独特特征被客户喜欢。

通过一些创新,新技术和我们的设计工作,我们能够采用这些废物流并从中创建精美的产品。In 2020, we launched our RETWEED Collection, which is part of our Renaissance fabric program that began in 2008. And it’s interesting —we wanted to be able to utilize our waste streams and have products that were created with a high level of recycled content and we thought it was something that would really resonate with our customer base, which it did. But what was also interesting was the design elements that resulted [The composition of Renaissance yarns results in the occasional natural variation in shade or specks of color that add to the visual interest of the fabric]. People were choosing those products as much for the aesthetic value as they were for the environmental consciousness that went into creating them.

2009年,我们创建了Reclycle My Sunbrella计划。迄今为止,我们通过该计划将近100万磅的废物处理成新产品。我们希望到2025年将这种利用加倍。我们有如此势头,并且对这个目标非常满意。但是关键是,所有这些都是我们十年来一直关注的事情,因为它与这些可回收​​的废物流有关,这涉及到更广泛的描述:“我们如何对环境的影响较小我们运作吗?”

TW:优点,机会和包容一直是格伦·乌鸦(Glen Raven)文化的核心。您如何确保多样性目标继续支持这些宗旨?

Oehmig:如果您看着格伦·乌鸦(Glen Raven)的精神,对我们来说,这对我们来说是一颗核心。我们相信有不同的观点并将所有这些观点汇总在一起,使您变得更好。我们已经以许多方式了解了这一点,但肯定是通过全球化。由于该公司创造了全球足迹,并真正接受了我们运营的文化和社区,因此我们看到了当您带来不同的观点以及一心一意地专注于推动业务前进并继续前进时所创造的价值做好事。我们想提升这一点并扩大这个想法。就多样性而言,多样性是我们并不总是想到的。We thought about it in terms of “How do we bring a group of people together with a range of life experiences, a range of work experiences and a range of points of view all based in what is foundational to Glen Raven’s values so we can work together and


Oehmig: We’ve had so many of these practices in place throughout Glen Raven’s history and definitely have great momentum around these initiatives. Most of the efforts are already in flight and have been in flight for a long time. So now it’s just driving a stake in the ground and holding the company accountable to not only those goals, but really to exceed those goals. And Glen Raven is perfectly comfortable with the timeline, and we’re confident we will exceed the goals that we have established.

TW: How does sustainability impact Glen Raven’s multi-phase, global expansion plan?

Oehmig: To the extent that the sustainability report would impact our capital investment plans, it really is just informing those plans. When our engineers are meeting contractors, and our manufacturing engineers are meeting with the equipment manufacturers, we’re talking through these same opportunities in their development and asking what we can do differently and what can we do to lean in and do to really push technology in support of our sustainability reporting. Our partners have been very supportive. Everybody has a role in this whatever position you play in the total value chain.

It’s going to take all of us working together in order to have the greatest impact both in the communities and on the planet.

TW: How do you see Glen Raven’s position in the industry as it relates to corporate responsibility?

Oehmig: If a company like Glen Raven is leading a collaborative effort and working with our equipment manufacturers and our raw material suppliers and informing and educating and trying to create new innovations that may address many of the issues we are facing, that’s a position we’d like to be in.

