
亚利桑那州坦佩市 - 2021年12月1日 - 制造业的经济活动将于11月增长,整体经济连续18个月实现了增长,该国在Business®的最新制造ISM®报告中说,该国的供应主管说。

这份报告是由蒂莫西·r·Fio今天发布re, CPSM, C.P.M., chair of the Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) Manufacturing Business Survey Committee:

“The November Manufacturing PMI registered 61.1 percent, an increase of 0.3 percentage point from the October reading of 60.8 percent. This figure indicates expansion in the overall economy for the 18th month in a row after a contraction in April 2020. The New Orders Index registered 61.5 percent, up 1.7 percentage points compared to the October reading of 59.8 percent. The Production Index registered 61.5 percent, an increase of 2.2 percentage points compared to the October reading of 59.3 percent. The Prices Index registered 82.4 percent, down 3.3 percentage points compared to the October figure of 85.7 percent. The Backlog of Orders Index registered 61.9 percent, 1.7 percentage points lower than the October reading of 63.6 percent. The Employment Index registered 53.3 percent, 1.3 percentage points higher compared to the October reading of 52 percent. The Supplier Deliveries Index registered 72.2 percent, down 3.4 percentage points from the October figure of 75.6 percent. The Inventories Index registered 56.8 percent, 0.2 percentage point lower than the October reading of 57 percent. The New Export Orders Index registered 54 percent, a decrease of 0.6 percentage point compared to the October reading of 54.6 percent. The Imports Index registered 52.6 percent, a 3.5-percentage point increase from the October reading of 49.1 percent.”

Fiore继续说:“美国制造业仍处于需求驱动的,供应链受限的环境中,有些迹象表明劳动力较小和供应商的交付改善。制造经济的所有细分市场都受到创纪录的原材料和资本设备领先时间的影响,持续的关键最低材料短缺,高商品价格以及运输产品的困难。冠状病毒大流行有关的全球问题 - 工人缺勤,由于零件短缺,填补公开位置的困难和海外供应链问题而导致的短期关闭 - 继续限制制造业的增长潜力。但是,小组情绪仍然非常乐观,每一个谨慎的评论都有10个积极的增长评论。小组成员仍然专注于改善供应链问题以应对持续的高水平需求的重要性。Demand expanded, with the (1) New Orders Index growing, supported by continued expansion of the New Export Orders Index, (2) Customers’ Inventories Index remaining at a very low level and (3) Backlog of Orders Index staying at a very high level. Consumption (measured by the Production and Employment indexes) grew during the period, with a combined 3.5-percentage point increase to the Manufacturing PMI calculation. The Employment Index expanded for a third month, with some indications that the ability to hire is improving, partially offset by the challenges of turnover and backfilling. Inputs — expressed as supplier deliveries, inventories, and imports — continued to constrain production expansion, but there are early signs of supplier performance improving. The Supplier Deliveries Index slowed again but at a slower rate, while the Inventories Index expanded more slowly. In November, the Prices Index expanded for the 18th consecutive month, at a slower rate, indicating continued supplier pricing power and scarcity of supply chain goods.

“All of the six biggest manufacturing industries — Computer & Electronic Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Chemical Products; Petroleum & Coal Products; Fabricated Metal Products; and Transportation Equipment, in that order — registered moderate to strong growth in November.

“Manufacturing performed well for the 18th straight month, with demand and consumption registering month-over-month growth, in spite of continuing obstacles. Meeting demand remains a challenge, due to hiring difficulties and a clear cycle of labor turnover at all tiers. Panelists’ comments suggest month-over-month improvement on hiring, offset by backfilling required to address employee turnover. Indications that supplier delivery rates are improving were supported by the Supplier Deliveries Index softening. Transportation networks, a harbinger of future supplier delivery performance, are still performing erratically,” Fiore said.

11月报告的13个制造行业(按以下顺序报道)是:服装,皮革和盟军产品;家具和相关产品;电气设备,电器和组件;计算机和电子产品;机械;塑料和橡胶产品;纸产品;食品,饮料和烟草产品;杂种制造;化学产品; Petroleum & Coal Products; Fabricated Metal Products; and Transportation Equipment. The two industries reporting a decrease in November compared to October are: Printing & Related Support Activities; and Primary Metals.

What Respondents Are Saying


“Petrochemical supply chain is slowly showing signs of improvement after multiple weather disruptions in 2021.” [Chemical Products]

“Large volume drops due to chip shortage.” [Transportation Equipment]


“All input costs are going up considerably, across the board.” [Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products]








November 2021

指数 Series Index


Series Index





方向 Rate of 
Change 趋势*(月)
Manufacturing PMI® 61.1 60.8 +0.3 Growing 快点 18
新订单 61.5 59.8 +1.7 Growing 快点 18
Production 61.5 59.3 +2.2 Growing 快点 18
就业 53.3 52.0 +1.3 Growing 快点 3
供应商交付 72.2 75.6 -3.4 放慢 慢点 69
库存 56.8 57.0 -0.2 Growing 慢点 4
客户的库存 25.1 31.7 -6.6 太低 快点 62
Prices 82.4 85.7 -3.3 增加 慢点 18
积压订单 61.9 63.6 -1.7 Growing 慢点 17
新的出口订单 54.0 54.6 -0.6 Growing 慢点 17
进口 52.6 49.1 +3.5 Growing 从收缩 1
整体经济 Growing 快点 18
制造业 Growing 快点 18


*Number of months moving in current direction.


抢劫者中的商品(5);铝*(18);铝产品(8);苛性苏打(6);铜(3);波纹(14);波纹包装(13);原油(2);柴油燃料(11);电气组件(12); Electronic Components (12); Freight (13); Gasoline; Hydraulic Components; Labor — Temporary (7); Magnesium; Motors (2); Natural Gas (5); Nylon (2); Ocean Freight (12); Packaging Supplies (12); Paper (3); Plastic Containers (3); Plastic Resins* (15); Resin-Based Products (10); Rubber-Based Products (4); Semiconductors (10); Silicon; Silicone; Soy Products; Steel* (16); Steel — Cold Rolled (4); Steel — Hot Rolled* (15); Steel — Stainless (13); Steel Products (15); Surfactants; and Zinc.

Commodities Down in Price
Aluminum*; Plastic Resins*; Polypropylene; Steel*; and Steel — Hot Rolled*.

铝;铝专业ducts; Corrugated Packaging (5); Electrical Components (14); Electronic Components (12); Fasteners; Freight (3); Glass Bottles; Hydraulic Components; Labor — Temporary (7); Magnesium; Ocean Freight (8); Ocean Freight Containers (2); Paper; Plastic Containers (3); Plastic Products (10); Plastic Resins — Other (9); Printed Circuit Board Assemblies (PCBAs) (4); Semiconductors (12); Silicone; Steel (12); and Steel Products (10).


November 2021 Manufacturing Index Summaries

Manufacturing PMI®

Manufacturing grew in November, as the Manufacturing PMI registered 61.1 percent, 0.3 percentage point higher than the October reading of 60.8 percent. “The Manufacturing PMI® continued to indicate strong sector expansion and U.S. economic growth in November. All five subindexes that directly factor into the Manufacturing PMI were in growth territory. All of the six biggest manufacturing industries expanded, in the following order: Computer & Electronic Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Chemical Products; Petroleum & Coal Products; Fabricated Metal Products; and Transportation Equipment. The New Orders and Production indexes remained at strong levels. The Supplier Deliveries Index continued to reflect suppliers’ difficulties in maintaining delivery rates, but at slightly softening levels. All 10 of the subindexes were positive for the period; a reading of ‘too low’ for the Customers’ Inventories Index is considered a positive for future production,” says Fiore. A reading above 50 percent indicates that the manufacturing economy is generally expanding; below 50 percent indicates that it is generally contracting.

在一段时间内,制造PMI®超过43.1%,通常表明整体经济的扩大。因此,11月制造PMI表明,2020年4月收缩后连续18个月的11月,整体经济增长。每年一次的实际国内生产总值(GDP)增加了5.1%。” Fiore说。


Month Manufacturing PMI® Month Manufacturing PMI®
Nov 2021 61.1 2021年5月 61.2
2021年10月 60.8 2021年4月 60.7
Sep 2021 61.1 2021年3月 64.7
2021年8月 59.9 2021年2月 60.8
2021年7月 59.5 Jan 2021 58.7
2021年6月 60.6 2020年12月 60.5
Average for 12 months – 60.8

High – 64.7

低 - 58.7


ISM的新订单指数在11月份获得了61.5%,比10月份报告的59.8%增加了1.7个百分点。这表明新订单连续第18个月增长。“六个最大的制造业中的三个 - 计算机和电子产品;食品,饮料和烟草产品;和化学产品 - 与上个月的六个相比,以中度到紧张的水平扩展。” Fiore说。随着时间的推移,新订单指数高于52.8%,这通常与人口普查局在制造订单方面的系列(恒定2000美元)的增加一致。

在18个制造行业中,有10个报告了11月的新订单增长,按以下顺序:服装,皮革和相关产品;塑料和橡胶产品;家具和相关产品;机械;计算机和电子产品;杂种制造;电气设备,电器和组件;食品,饮料和烟草产品;纸产品;和化学产品。 The five industries reporting a decline in new orders in November are: Printing & Related Support Activities; Primary Metals; Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Transportation Equipment; and Fabricated Metal Products.

新订单 %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 23.4 66.0 10.6 +12.8 61.5
2021年10月 29.7 58.3 12.0 +17.7 59.8
Sep 2021 36.6 54.3 9.1 +27.5 66.7
2021年8月 38.0 52.8 9.2 +28.8 66.7


该产量指数在11月的61.5%中占61.5%,比十月读数为59.3%的2.2个百分点高出,表明连续第18个月增长。“十大行业中的四个 - 石油和煤炭产品;计算机和电子产品;化学产品;以及食品,饮料和烟草产品 - 以中等水平扩展。随着供应商继续挣扎,原材料短缺仍然是对生产增长的限制。工厂的地板人员人员人员人员的直接营业额仍然是一个障碍,继续负面趋势。”菲奥尔说。随着时间的流逝,指数超过52.1%,通常与美联储工业生产数字的增加一致。

11月份列出生产增长的11个行业(按顺序列出)是:石油和煤炭产品;纺织厂;家具和相关产品;纸产品;电气设备,电器和组件;计算机和电子产品;机械;化学产品;杂种制造;食品,饮料和烟草产品; and Plastics & Rubber Products. The four industries reporting a decrease in November are: Printing & Related Support Activities; Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Primary Metals; and Fabricated Metal Products.

Production %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 30.3 57.3 12.4 +17.9 61.5
2021年10月 31.3 54.3 14.4 +16.9 59.3
Sep 2021 31.6 53.1 15.3 +16.3 59.4
2021年8月 31.9 54.5 13.5 +18.4 60.0


ISM就业指数53.3%,注册November, 1.3 percentage points above the October reading of 52 percent. “The Employment Index reported a third month of expansion. Of the six big manufacturing sectors, three (Computer & Electronic Products; Chemical Products; and Fabricated Metal Products) expanded. Survey panelists’ companies are still struggling to meet labor-management plans, but for a third month, there were modest signs of progress: An increasing share of comments (7 percent, compared to 5 percent in October) noted improvements regarding employment. An overwhelming majority of panelists indicate their companies are hiring or attempting to hire — 86 percent of Employment Index comments were hiring focused. Fifty-one percent of those respondents expressed difficulty in filling positions, an increase from October. The increasing frequency of comments on turnover rates (backfills and retirements) in November continued a trend that began in August,” says Fiore. An Employment Index above 50.6 percent, over time, is generally consistent with an increase in the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data on manufacturing employment.

在18个制造行业中,11月按以下顺序报告就业增长的10个行业是:服装,皮革和相关产品;纸产品;电气设备,电器和组件;家具和相关产品;机械;塑料和橡胶产品;计算机和电子产品;化学产品;制造的金属产品;和其他制造。 The five industries reporting a decrease in employment in November are: Textile Mills; Printing & Related Support Activities; Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Transportation Equipment; and Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products.

就业 %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 20.5 64.6 14.9 +5.6 53.3
2021年10月 21.3 62.8 15.9 +5.4 52.0
Sep 2021 17.0 65.7 17.3 -0.3 50.2
2021年8月 20.3 58.2 21.5 -1.2 49.0


11月,供应商向制造组织的交付性能较慢,因为供应商交付指数占72.2%,3.4个百分点低于10月份报告的75.6%。所有六个顶级制造行业 - 食品,饮料和烟草产品;制造的金属产品;计算机和电子产品;化学产品;运输设备;和石油和煤炭产品,按照此顺序汇总交付放缓。“与上个月相比,交付速度较慢。The index continues to reflect suppliers’ difficulties in meeting panelist companies’ demand, including (1) ongoing supplier hiring and turnover challenges, (2) extended raw materials lead times for all tiers, (3) high levels of input material shortages, (4) elevated prices and (5) inconsistent transportation availability. Capital expenditures and production materials lead times are at or near their highest recorded levels. We may now be at peak; if so, the December data will confirm,” says Fiore. A reading below 50 percent indicates faster deliveries, while a reading above 50 percent indicates slower deliveries.

在18个行业中,有16个报告说,11月的供应商交付速度较慢,按以下顺序:服装,皮革和相关产品;非金属矿物产品;食品,饮料和烟草产品;杂种制造;家具和相关产品;制造的金属产品;计算机和电子产品;印刷和相关支持活动;机械;电气设备,电器和组件; Paper Products; Chemical Products; Transportation Equipment; Petroleum & Coal Products; Textile Mills; and Plastics & Rubber Products. No industries reported faster supplier deliveries in November.

供应商交付 %Slower %相同的 %快点 指数
Nov 2021 48.2 48.1 3.7 +44.5 72.2
2021年10月 52.5 46.1 1.4 +51.1 75.6
Sep 2021 50.0 46.8 3.2 +46.8 73.4
2021年8月 42.7 53.7 3.6 +39.1 69.5


The Inventories Index registered 56.8 percent in November, 0.2 percentage point lower than the 57 percent reported for October. “Manufacturing inventories continued to expand due to panelists’ companies continuing to stock more raw materials to help avoid production shortages, as well as growth in work-in-process and finished-goods inventories due to specific part shortages and holdbacks from some customers in several industries,” says Fiore. An Inventories Index greater than 44.5 percent, over time, is generally consistent with expansion in the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) figures on overall manufacturing inventories (in chained 2000 dollars).

11月报告较高库存的10个行业(按以下顺序)是:服装,皮革和相关产品;电气设备,电器和组件;家具和相关产品;塑料和橡胶产品;食品,饮料和烟草产品;计算机和电子产品;机械;运输设备;化学产品;和制造的金属产品。 The three industries reporting a decrease in inventories in November are: Printing & Related Support Activities; Paper Products; and Primary Metals.

库存 %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 26.2 58.1 15.7 +10.5 56.8
2021年10月 28.0 57.8 14.2 +13.8 57.0
Sep 2021 29.7 51.4 18.9 +10.8 55.6
2021年8月 25.4 60.5 14.2 +11.2 54.2


ISM®的客户库存指数在11月份的25.1%占25.1%,比10月份报告的31.7%的库存点少于6.6个百分点,这表明客户的库存水平太低。“客户的库存连续第62个月太低,这对未来的生产增长来说是积极的。连续16个月,客户的库存指数一直处于历史较低水平,而11月的25.1%的阅读率是有史以来第二低的(超过7月的25.0%的数字)。” Fiore说。

没有行业在11月报告了更高的客户库存。在11月份列出的15个行业报告客户库存过低(按顺序列出)是:木材产品;石油和煤炭产品;非金属矿物产品;机械;杂种制造;主要金属;纸产品;家具和相关产品;制造的金属产品; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Computer & Electronic Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Plastics & Rubber Products; Chemical Products; and Transportation Equipment.

客户的库存 报告% %Too High %差不多 %太低 指数
Nov 2021 77 5.4 39.3 55.3 -49.9 25.1
2021年10月 78 6.7 50.1 43.2 -36.5 31.7
Sep 2021 73 11.9 39.6 48.5 -36.6 31.7
2021年8月 75 5.6 49.0 45.3 -39.7 30.2


ISM®价格指数占82.4%,比十月读数为85.7%,下降了3.3个百分点,表明原材料价格连续第18个月的价格上涨,11月的速度较慢。这是该指数连续第15个月超过60%,并且连续第12个月超过70%。“铝,铜,波纹和包装材料;电气和电子组件;活力;一些塑料和塑料产品;货运;由于产品稀缺,钢继续以较高的价格保持较高的价格。” Fiore说。随着时间的流逝,价格指数高于52.7%,这通常与中级材料的劳动统计局(BLS)生产商价格指数的增加相一致。

11月,所有18个行业均报告按以下顺序支付原材料的价格上涨:服装,皮革和相关产品;非金属矿物产品;纺织厂;木制品;家具和相关产品;纸产品;杂种制造;运输设备;主要金属;计算机和电子产品; Petroleum & Coal Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Chemical Products; Machinery; Fabricated Metal Products; Printing & Related Support Activities; and Plastics & Rubber Products.

Prices %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 67.9 29.0 3.1 +64.8 82.4
2021年10月 72.3 26.7 1.0 +71.3 85.7
Sep 2021 69.5 23.4 7.1 +62.4 81.2
2021年8月 62.8 33.3 3.9 +58.9 79.4


ISM®的积压订单指数在11月的订单指数中占61.9%,比10月份报告的63.6%的积压点下降了1.7%,这表明连续第17个月扩大了订单积压。这是连续第10个月的读数超过60%。“积压在11月以较慢的速度扩展,表明产量能够跟上持续强大的新订单水平。在六个大型行业中,有五个(食品,饮料和烟草产品;计算机和电子产品;制造金属产品;化学产品;和运输设备)报告说,积压量强烈扩大。” Fiore说。

11月按以下顺序进行积压的13个行业报告的增长是:服装,皮革和相关产品;木制品;机械;纸产品;食品,饮料和烟草产品;计算机和电子产品;主要金属;制造的金属产品;化学产品;电气设备,电器和组件; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Transportation Equipment; and Plastics & Rubber Products. The only industry reporting lower backlogs in November is Textile Mills.

积压订单 报告% %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 92 35.2 53.3 11.5 +23.7 61.9
2021年10月 91 36.4 54.4 9.2 +27.2 63.6
Sep 2021 90 39.0 51.6 9.4 +29.6 64.8
2021年8月 91 44.5 47.5 8.0 +36.5 68.2


ISM®’s New Export Orders Index registered 54 percent in November, down 0.6 percentage point compared to the October reading of 54.6 percent. “The New Export Orders Index grew for the 17th consecutive month, at a slightly slower rate. Of the six big industry sectors, four (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Chemical Products; Transportation Equipment; and Computer & Electronic Products) expanded. New export orders were a contributor to the New Orders Index continuing in strong expansion territory,” says Fiore.

The nine industries reporting growth in new export orders in November — in the following order — are: Plastics & Rubber Products; Primary Metals; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Machinery; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Chemical Products; Transportation Equipment; and Computer & Electronic Products. The only industry reporting a decrease in new export orders in November is Paper Products. Six industries reported no change in exports in November as compared to October.

新的出口订单 报告% %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 76 11.3 85.5 3.2 +8.1 54.0
2021年10月 75 12.7 83.9 3.4 +9.3 54.6
Sep 2021 75 14.1 78.6 7.3 +6.8 53.4
2021年8月 75 17.9 77.5 4.6 +13.3 56.6


ISM®’s Imports Index registered 52.6 percent in November, an increase of 3.5 percentage points compared to October’s figure of 49.1 percent. “Imports expanded in November after one month of contraction, in spite of continuing challenges with throughput at U.S. ports of entry. Overland transport challenges and container shortages continue to persist across the global supply chain, causing instability with import level projections. Imports will continue to be challenged through the end of 2021 and likely through the first half of 2022,” says Fiore.

七个行业在11月按以下顺序报道进口商品的增长是:纺织厂;计算机和电子产品;杂种制造;食品,饮料和烟草产品;机械;制造的金属产品;和化学产品。报告11月进口的四个行业是:非金属矿产产品;主要金属;塑料和橡胶产品; and Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components. Seven industries reported no change in imports in November as compared to October.

进口 报告% %更高 %相同的 %Lower 指数
Nov 2021 87 14.1 77.0 8.9 +5.2 52.6
2021年10月 86 12.5 73.3 14.2 -1.7 49.1
Sep 2021 87 20.0 69.8 10.2 +9.8 54.9
2021年8月 86 17.5 73.6 8.8 +8.7 54.3


Buying Policy

Average commitment lead time for Capital Expenditures in November was 160 days, an increase of four days compared to October. Capital Expenditures lead times have increased in nine of the last 12 months for a net increase of 28 days since December 2020 (132 days). Average lead time in November for Production Materials was unchanged at 96 days; this figure is the highest since ISM® began reporting this data in 1987, tying the record set in October. Average lead time for Maintenance, Repair and Operating (MRO) Supplies was 44 days, down five days compared to October.

资本支出 仅够糊口的 30 Days 60 Days 90天 6 Months 1年+ 平均天数
Nov 2021 19 4 10 15 27 25 160
2021年10月 19 5 9 15 29 23 156
Sep 2021 20 5 8 15 30 22 154
2021年8月 23 4 9 14 30 20 146
Production Materials 仅够糊口的 30 Days 60 Days 90天 6 Months 1年+ 平均天数
Nov 2021 10 21 22 26 13 8 96
2021年10月 10 19 25 23 16 7 96
Sep 2021 10 20 29 22 11 8 92
2021年8月 12 19 27 22 13 7 91
MRO Supplies 仅够糊口的 30 Days 60 Days 90天 6 Months 1年+ 平均天数
Nov 2021 29 34 21 12 3 1 44
2021年10月 25 35 20 14 5 1 49
Sep 2021 26 38 20 11 4 1 45
2021年8月 28 38 16 13 4 1 45

