Chairman Blumenauer Unveils New Legislation To Fix Import Loophole, Level Playing Field, And Boost Oversight

WASHINGTON, D.C. — January 18, 2022 — U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), chairman of the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, today unveiled new legislation to strengthen U.S. international trade import laws to stop non-market economies and goods from exploiting the de minimis threshold that allows imports valued under $800 to come into the United States without paying duties, taxes, or fees.


Specifically, the legislation would:

  • Prohibit Goods from Countries that are Both Non-Market Economies and on the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) Watch List from Using De Minimis:为了解决与美国竞争力有关的关注,该立法禁止商品(例如中国)的非市场经济体从Minimis待遇中受益。美国政府发现,这样的国家为其公司提供了不公平的利益。这种变化确保了这些国家的运输不会根据美国法律进一步受益。
  • Prohibit Goods Subject to Enforcement Actions from Using De Minimis:美国执法法规,例如第301和232条,为美国提供了杠杆作用,以解决损害美国工人和公司的不公平贸易行为。即使受到其他执法诉讼(例如反倾销和反击税务命令)约束,豁免最低限度的运输付出了与执法相关的职责,但仍需要支付职责。
  • Close De Minimis Loophole for Offshore Distribution or Processing Facilities
  • 要求CBP收集有关所有最低货物的更多信息,并禁止不良演员使用:为了解决有关遵守美国法律的担忧,该规定进行了常识性更改,需要CBP收集有关De Minimis运输的更多信息,并禁止被暂停或拒绝使用Minimis的进口商。该规定为CBP多个管理部门已经开始的正在进行的工作提供了法定支持。

AFL-CIO总裁Liz Shuler说:“ AFL-CIO强烈支持Blumenauer主席的进口安全与公平法案,该法案将弥合现在损害美国公司的漏洞漏洞。”“必须固定在美国de Minimis $ 800和中国门槛7美元的野生失衡,以便平整竞争环境。我们敦促迅速通过这项重要立法来制止这种剥削。”

“It’s long overdue that Congress address the rampant abuse of the de minimis loophole by China and companies like Amazon,” said Coalition for a Prosperous America CEO Michael Stumo. “Originally meant for low-value goods, multinational corporations addicted to profiting off of cheap Chinese imports successfully lobbied to increase the de minimis limit to $800 in 2016. As a result, multinational importers of subquality — and often harmful — Chinese goods have exploited de minimis to create a direct from Chinese manufacturer to U.S. consumer business model that has seen an explosion of more than 2 million packages per day. By prohibiting goods from non-market economies like China from using de minimis, Congressman Blumenauer’s legislation is exactly the kind of solution needed to reverse decades of harm to American workers and businesses from flawed U.S. trade law.”

“We support introduction of this legislation to reform the de minimis threshold, which is routinely exploited to evade U.S. enforcement actions against China and other trade cheats,” said Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul. “The bill takes aim at the worst offenders, while also addressing loopholes used by bad actors to avoid paying taxes, duties and fees. We strongly encourage Congress to adopt these reforms while also ensuring that additional steps are taken to monitor transshipments and increases in de minimis volume from other countries.”

“目前微量允许俄文les create an unfair playing field that penalizes U.S. bicycle companies, retailers and customers for having domestic, job-creating warehouses and stores. The Import Security and Fairness Act will help close an important loophole that enables counterfeit or uncertified products to reach Americans. We’re grateful for Congressman Blumenauer’s leadership on this pro-bike trade policy that would improve competition and safety,” said PeopleForBikes Policy Counsel Alex Logemann.

“We are very supportive of Chairman Blumenauer’s bill, which would effectively prohibit China and all nonmarket economies from exploiting the Section 321 de minimis mechanism in U.S. trade law, a damaging loophole that has severely undermined U.S. companies and workers and our Western Hemisphere trade partners, while also endangering American consumers. We applaud the chairman’s leadership on this critical issue and look forward to working with the House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee to move this legislation forward,” said National Council of Textile Organizations President and CEO Kim Glas.


Posted January 18, 2022

Source: Website of U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer