
意大利Frosinone- 2022年2月11日-Klopman International S.R.L.,欧洲工作服织物制造商,去年生产了可回收的聚酯织物,重复使用了超过850万个塑料瓶;使用棉花废物和减少二氧化碳排放创建了新的织物;在其工厂中实施了零废物程序;并为其在印度尼西亚的生产地点认证了相同的环境可持续性标准。

克洛普曼的可持续发展之旅并没有停止,在第六版的可持续发展报告中,该公司报告了几项成功:超过850万塑料瓶回收到可持续的纺织品中,总计超过350万米;二氧化碳排放量减少,总节省超过3,000,000 kW/h,超过40,000平方米的水。这些只是克洛普曼(Klopman)2021 - 22年可持续性报告中所取得的成就。多年来,克洛普曼一直致力于开发创新的高质量产品,这些产品为工人提供可靠性,安全性和安全性,同时最大程度地减少环境影响。

的先驱创造可持续的纺织品,in 2021 Klopman launched three new fabrics made from sustainable materials: Vitalys, a fabric made from wood pulp and cotton waste; Luminex C50 RPES, a high-visibility fabric made from recycled polyester; and Hydrogreen, a water-repellent treatment made without perfluorinated chemicals. The company has also launched the Zero Waste project to reduce waste and encourage correct waste disposal inside the plant.

克洛普曼还庆祝另一个重大成功:Oeko-Tex®认证的最高水平是其Jakarta工厂,该植物保证使用环保技术和产品,有效利用资源以及符合最高国际标准的工作条件。代表可持续纺织品和皮革生产的Step Certification进一步证明了克洛普曼对可持续性的持续承诺,并确保其客户在全球范围内具有相同的质量和社会责任标准。


“Corporate Social Responsibility is in Klopman’s DNA,” says Amaury Sartorius, the company’s Managing Director, “and we are very proud to be able to show the results we have achieved in a challenging global period that has presented us with limitations but also many opportunities that we have tried to make the most of. The results summarized in our Sustainability Report indicate once more that we are going in the right direction and that our choices continue to bring concrete results both for our customers and the society around us. As European leaders in the sector, we cannot forget how important our impact can be not only for us but for society”.


