LEONHARD KURZ Publishes Sustainability Report

FÜRTH, Germany — February 15, 2022 — LEONHARD KURZ, one of the world’s leading companies in thin-film and finishing technology, has released its 2021 sustainability report. The Communication on Progress (COP) report for the first time provides information on developments in the implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. These include promoting environmental awareness, developing and disseminating environmentally friendly technologies, and respecting international human rights. KURZ joined the Deutsche Global Compact Network last year, thus reaching another important milestone in its sustainability activities. In addition, the Group was able to consolidate its position as an industry pioneer in sustainable finishing. CEO Walter Kurz explains: “As a family business, it is important to us to leave a better world for future generations. Since our company was founded more than 120 years ago, our ideas and actions have been future-driven as well as sustainable. Joining the UN Global Compact initiative was therefore the next logical step for us.” With its annual ‘Communication on Progress’ report, the UN Global Compact pursues, among other things, the objectives of promoting transparency, demonstrating the continuous improvement of business activities, and disseminating good-practice examples.

Be a green leader

库尔兹(Kurz)的超过100页的进度报告介绍了该公司迄今为止的可持续性绩效,还讨论了其目标和计划措施。所有活动均由座右铭“成为绿色领导者”所驱动,这不仅反映了库尔兹为自己设定的标准,而且还反映了公司向客户提供的产品。沃尔特·库尔兹(Walter Kurz):“我们希望成为我们行业中最可持续的公司,并帮助在整个价值链中塑造产品周期,以使我们的客户领导者保持可持续性。”薄膜专家正处于途中,如当前的COP所证明的那样。例如,有关于原材料选择和处理等问题的中央准则和环境指令,这些指令已由公司管理公司发布,并且在全球范围内都是有效的。为了确保遵守这些标准并确保不断改进,已经建立了广泛的环境管理系统并任命了环境官员。环境,能源和职业安全任务声明适用于所有员工。考虑到整个产品生命周期,库尔兹在公司的所有领域都采用了“ 360°生命周期思维”方法 - 从组件的制造到其有用生活结束时的回收周期。注意所有原材料都可以有效地使用,并在技术可能性的范围内使用带有再生成分的宠物载体材料。虽然目前在库尔兹装饰中使用的原材料中约有30%是有机起源,但该公司正在努力将这一份额提高到80%。


With the RECOSYS® take-back and recycling program, KURZ has only recently set a benchmark in environmental compatibility. This gives customers the opportunity to return any residual materials to KURZ, which are then processed into new raw materials in the company’s own recycling center. Another environmental innovation is RECOPOUND®, a high-quality recycled granulate made from production waste. RECOPOUND® not only impresses with its diverse application possibilities and robust character, but also with its excellent ecological footprint. By using the recycled material, up to 40 percent CO2 can be saved compared to new material. The declared aim for the future is to reuse the recycled PET carrier for the production of new transfer carriers.

Striving for climate neutrality

公司碳足迹是库尔兹可持续发展战略的另一支柱。在通往气候中立的道路上,目前的重点是确定范围1至3排放,然后将下一个气候目标定义和追求。在这种情况下,议程包括提高能源效率和降低直接排放,促进绿色能源的使用以及公司自己的能源。在这里,薄膜专家也已经在COP中取得了最初的成功:Kurz从可再生能源中获得了德国的全部电力需求,部分是通过购买的绿色电力,部分是通过其自己的光伏系统。根据ISO 14001,ISO 50001的能源管理系统以及ISO 45001的职业健康与安全管理系统,该公司的环境管理系统已根据ISO 14001,能源管理系统进行认证。

A family-owned company with a strong sense of responsibility

作为一家家族企业,库尔兹一直非常关心每个员工的福祉和个人发展以及专业和个人生活的兼容性。该公司在老年保健和育儿领域提供支持,并促进专业和兼职培训以及公司健康管理。《库尔兹商业行为守则》在与员工,客户,供应商,政府机构和当局打交道时会规定道德标准。董事会成员沃尔特·库尔兹(Walter Kurz):“一家公司的良好声誉不仅基于其产品的质量及其经济成功,而且还受到公司对人态度的影响。”

Outlook and objectives

莱昂哈德·库尔兹(Leonhard Kurz)已经为即将到来的报告期设定了目标:

At the Sulzbach-Rosenberg site, an open-area photovoltaic system will soon be put into operation to increase the share of CO2-neutral energy supply with a savings potential of 6000 to/a, which can cover 20 to 25 percent of the site’s electricity requirements. In the company’s own vehicle fleet, more emphasis is already being placed on e-mobility and hybrid technology, and the lighting is being switched to LED.
The company also pushes the reduction of specific energy consumption and the associated CO2 emissions. Walter Kurz: “Our mission has always been and will continue to be to use our innovative spirit to develop products and processes that combine maximum individuality and sustainability.”

Posted: February 15, 2022

资料来源:Leonhard Kurz Stiftung&Co。KG