

阿姆斯特丹 - 2022年4月12日 - 有机棉花加速器(OCA)是一个专门针对有机棉花的多方利益相关者组织,荷兰企业企业责任业务基金(FVO)今天宣布推出一项多年项目,针对整个有机棉领域的透明度和公平性。该项目被称为“过渡中的纺织品”,吸引了品牌合作伙伴畅销书,埃森扎·HOME和G-Star Raw,这是他们对荷兰可持续服装和纺织品协议(AGT)的承诺的一部分。

Textile in Transition aims to improve decent working conditions in organic cotton production, secure the livelihoods of thousands of farmers while boasting the supply of organic cotton. Funded by the FVO, the project leverages OCA’s established Farm Programme in India, to support the participating companies in achieving transparency to the source of their fibre while installing improved buying practices and targeted interventions that improve farmer livelihoods, worker rights and environmental impact.



OCA执行董事巴特·沃拉德(Bart Vollaard)在评论这一消息时说:“荷兰负责业务基金的支持确实使我们能够加深并加速有机棉的积极影响。这项合作不仅可以使我们能够更有效地促进体面的工作条件,而且可用资金还将支持更多的传统农民过渡到有机农业,同时为他们的棉花承诺买家。”

Danique lodewijk,高级项目专家STSELLER added: “With this partnership we increase our commitments towards in-conversion cotton and simultaneously support the analysis on decent work conditions for cotton farmers. Transparency and access to organic cotton is one thing, but the livelihoods and well-being of the farmers are just as important. We look forward to jointly taking our commitments to the next level.”

Floor Smits, head of brands at ESSENZA HOME also commented: “We are constantly looking for innovation. At ESSENZA HOME we believe in buying less, but better. We think the OCA is a good multi-stakeholder project to help us achieve this by starting at the bottom of our production chain. These tiers in our process are the most difficult to make transparent and therefore we are very happy to be part of this project. Our goal is to help farmers in India switch from growing conventional cotton to organic cotton, in a two-phase implementation. In the end, this will be better for the farmers, for the environment, for ourselves and for the consumer. And ultimately, for a better night’s sleep.”

G-Star Raw的首席产品官Paulien Van der Vegt补充说:“在我们的任务中,我们的任务是在每一步中提高社会和环境影响,我们的承诺之一是,我们将仅使用有机,回收,基于生物的且可堆肥的材料到2030年最新。通过与OCA的合作伙伴关系,我们旨在支持和扩展有机棉花种植,因此我们不仅可以实现目标,而且整个行业都可以朝着使用更可持续的材料迈进。而且由于OCA,我们可以采取第一步与农民建立直接接触,将我们的有机棉接到根源”



Source: Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA)