
伊利诺伊州芝加哥 - 2022年6月24日 - 有超过1,250名参与者,第五版印刷与数字会议在德国杜塞尔多夫成功关闭。该活动再次是多通道和对话营销的重要平台。重点是可持续媒体生产,程序化印刷和增值印刷。国会和贸易展的独特概念确保了沟通繁忙的氛围,并在展位和演讲中实现了期待已久的网络和知识转移。年度行业活动不仅在讲德语的地区牢固地建立了自己 - 许多游客还来自比利时,荷兰和卢森堡。

“The atmosphere was excellent! Compared to the previous event, we were able to record an increase of over 50% in the number of participants. That’s a top result”, said Rüdiger Maaß, Managing Director of Fachverband Medienproduktion (f:mp.). “And we managed to bring the right target groups together to network and exchange ideas intensively. It was a wonderfully inspiring two days – not only for us, but also for the entire industry!”


Nine theme worlds, four stages, 50 top-class speakers, 19 half-hour presentations each day and 63 international exhibitors – including DATEV, Deutsche Post, FKS, Kodak, Konica Minolta, Mondi, Xerox and HP – offered participants future-oriented content on the potential of digital printing applications, multichannel solutions, creative finishing and sustainable packaging solutions.


Visitors were particularly interested in the seven highlight projects which f:mp. realized with its partners. These projects represent hands-on best practice and thus reflect the special unique selling point of the PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION: a “hands-on” trade show with concrete and practical application examples.

Next generation of Print


“Even in the digital age, print is highly relevant and indispensable in its many facets – we want to convey this to the younger generation in particular,” explained Sabine Geldermann, Project Director Print Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf. “The response from students and trainees was very good. The demand for information is extraordinarily high! Young people want direct access to the market and want to experience live what potential print has to offer.”

出于这个原因,组织者计划crease investment in the skilled workers of tomorrow even further for the next edition of PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION. For example, it is planned to offer “Youngster Talent Recruitment” for prospective trainees and interested companies while a “Start-up Area” will connect established companies with young and innovative newcomers.

第六版印刷与数字会议将于2023年5月在德国杜塞尔多夫(Drupa 2024年之前)举行。有关在2023年印刷与数字会议上参观或展出的更多信息,请联系杜塞尔多夫北美;电话:(312)781-5180;电子邮件:info@mdna.com;请访问https://www.printdigitalconvention.de/en,www.drupa.com/en/drupa_global和www.mdna.com。


董事总经理弗兰克·西格尔(Frank Siegel)

“The PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION presented itself as the perfect marketplace for the graphic arts industry. Everyone was there: brand owners, buyers, production people, printing companies and suppliers. This advantage paid off for us in concrete terms.



Christian Kulhanek, Key Account Manager Digital & Print Solutions DATEV eG

“您可以从字面上感觉到该行业再次有更多的活力和运动。建立联系和交流想法的愿望增加了。这表明数字解决方案不是唯一的解决方案 - 重要的是混合!我认为自己是数字印刷桥制造商。

印刷和数字大会上的受众群体广泛,因此与Datev同样广泛的产品和服务相匹配。在博览会上介绍我们的学员项目“ Datev Cookbook”,这是我们内心深处的事情 - 由受训者本身提出。关于它的特殊之处:创建食谱的整个过程是由我们的初级人员从A到Z独立实施的。”

Sebastian Hardung, Director Alliances & Marketing print Group / Werk II Medien- und Informationsgesellschaft mbH

“As a long-standing exhibitor at the PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION and a strategic partner of f:mp., we are delighted to be present again this year. For us, the trade show is a place of encounters and it is here that you notice that the industry wants to meet and exchange ideas again. We are noticing more and more in the market that print as a medium is no longer being declared dead but has arrived in the mainstream of digital marketing. As a software manufacturer, we are all the more pleased to accompany the further development of partners and customers. That’s why we also joined the Programmatic Print Alliances (PPA) in January.”


Kim Niemeyer,营销与传播,ING。Fritz Schroeder Gmbh&Co。KG,Barsbüttel




“At this year’s PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION, we were able to hold exciting personal discussions with representatives from industry, retail and brand manufacturers. We also received positive feedback from numerous visitors about the interesting presentations. Here, for example, we were able to connect very well with the sustainability presentations with the fact that all Mondi own brands such as PERGRAPHICA® or Color Copy are Cradle to Cradle Certified® Bronze. A huge compliment to the excellent organization, which allows us to focus on our core competence: Advising customers on paper selection.”


Mirko Pelzer,提供经理专业印刷柯尼卡美能达


印刷与数字大会很特别:重点不是机器的纯出售,而是在展示解决方案和应用可能性上。为此,柯尼卡美能达(Konica Minolta)实施了闪光灯 - 魅力和印花的共生。在这里,我们可以显示所有在扩展四色打印中可能进行的打印选项和解决方案。我们的重点是为客户提供附加价值。今年,我们特别高兴许多年轻的学生和受训者参观了贸易展览会。”


Source: Messe Düsseldorf North America