
MILAN — July 13, 2022 — The objective critical issues faced by Italy as a whole throughout the course of 2021, primarily dictated by a pandemic that upset any and all pre-existing equilibriums, have not slowed or halted the Italian textile machinery sector.

Indeed, data presented during the annual assembly of ACIMIT, the Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, held on 1 July proved decidedly positive, showing that in 2021 the sector recovered significantly compared to 2020, to the point of returning to pre-Covid levels.

Specifically, Italian textile machinery production amounted to 2.388 billion euros (+35 percent over 2020 and + 5 percent over 2019), with total exports amounting to 2.031 billion euros (+37 percent over 2020 and +9 percent over 2019).

然而,这些结果并不取消的障碍that companies are still facing. Looking to the near future, expectations are for a rather uncertain outlook, as underscored by ACIMIT President Alessandro Zucchi: “2022 remains a year replete with unknown factors, starting with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, along with the persistence of the pandemic, which seriously risk delaying expected growth consolidation for businesses in the sector. Difficulties in finding raw materials and components negatively affect the completion and fulfilment of orders processed as far back as 2021. To boot, rising energy costs and inflationary trends affecting numerous commodities are depressing overall business confidence. So the outlook for the sector is not so good.”

As such, the two cornerstones through which ACIMIT aims to support the Italian textile machinery sector are digitilization and sustainability.


The road to digital transformation has already led numerous manufacturers to completely rethink their production processes, rendering them more efficient and l ess expensive. The digital world is moving ahead at a decisive rate in the textile machinery sector, where the buzzwords are increasingly, for instance, the Internet of Things connecting to a company’s ecosystem, machine learning algorithms applied to production, predictive maintenance, and the integrated cloud management of various production departments. It is no coincidence that ACIMIT has focused decisively on its Digital Ready project, through which Italian textile machinery that adopt a common set of data are certified, with the aim of facilitating integration with the operating systems of client companies (ERP, MES, CRM, etc.).






A round table discussion on the Green Label’s primary purpose

The environmental and economic impact generated in production processes for Italian textile machinery through the use of Green Label technologies was the focus of the round table which concluded the ACIMIT assembly.

辩论由Aurora Magni(LIUC工程学院工业系统可持续发展课程教授)主持,辩论涉及Gianluca Brenna(Lipomo Printing House管理员兼意大利福利时尚系统副总裁Pietro Pin(Benetton Group Consultant and Bresion Conseartant and Intelian Fashion System)Uni的纺织品包裹),乔治·拉瓦西奥(Giorgio Ravasio)(意大利韦斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)的国家经理)以及ACIMIT总裁Alessandro Zucchi。

Called on to compare common factors in their experiences relating to environmental transition processes for their respective companies, the participants were unanimous: the future of Italian textile machinery can no longer ignore advanced technology developments capable of offering sustainable solutions with a low environmental impact while also reducing production costs. This philosophy has by now been consolidated, and has proven to lead directly to a circular economy outlook.

即将举行的ITMA 2023展览

最后,关于ITMA 2023的一句话,是2023年6月8日至14日在Fiera-Milano Rho举行的最重要的国际纺织机械展览。这场贸易展览会标记了第19版的ITMA,这是全球整个行业的重要事件,为展出的众多创新运营解决方案提供了全球展示。一个为参与者提供非凡商机的市场。意大利公司的参与由Acimit管理。

General information on Italian textile machinery sector and ACIMIT




Source: ACIMIT — Association of Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers