
辛辛那提 - 2022年11月11日 - 今天,辛塔斯公司(Cintas Corp.

新介绍的品牌将在CINTAS 2022 ESG报告中进行突出和讨论,该报告将于2023年1月发布。该公司的第三份可持续性报告将回顾该公司2022财年,该报告于2022年5月31日结束。

“Cintas’ sustainable business strategy dates back to our company’s origins and we have always worked closely with the communities in which we live and serve, so the theme ‘A Shared Drive for Better’ is a natural fit as we develop our ESG brand,” said Christy Nageleisen, Cintas Vice President of ESG and Chief Compliance Officer. “As our ESG Journey progresses, we will continue to innovate and refine our processes to help sustain the world we live in, build on our culture of respect, belonging, and inclusion, and hold ourselves accountable with world-class business practices. This approach is inherent to our almost century-old shared drive for better.”

“We believe our new ESG brand will help us bring attention to the heightening focus on sustainability and it will be important as environmental, social, and governance issues gain greater awareness and attention from different groups,” said Todd Schneider, Cintas President and CEO. “We’re proud of the work we’ve done to advance our ESG ambitions over the years. This work has created better outcomes for us all, and we know our continued attention to effecting more sustainable solutions is critical for our continued success. Our culture is one of “positive discontent, and we always strive for better in every aspect of our organization.”




Cintas的ESG愿景articulates its ambitions in this area: “Guided by our principles, we work together to provide businesses with the sustainable products, services, and solutions they need for a better workday, supporting our partners and the communities we serve, building a better future.”


新的CINTAS ESG徽标具有三种不同的颜色,可以代表ESG的三个不同组成部分:环境,社会和治理。




这种方法可以追溯到大约100年前在大萧条期间的起源。马戏团表演者Doc和Amelia Farmer到辛辛那提地区的企业,从垃圾箱里收集了肮脏的,废弃的商店破布,并将肮脏的抹布带回家给他们洗钱。当破布干净时,Doc和Amelia随后将它们卖给了地区业务,从而延长了他们的用处,并减少了公司持续的需求,以用全新的破布替换废弃的破布。


辛塔斯(Cintas)在其主要目标,公司特征和管理系统上的文化关注 - 由创始人迪克·法默(Dick Farmer)在他的书《精神就是差异》中定义的,从而使以ESG为中心的商业实践从一开始就嵌入了Cintas的业务中。



资料来源:Cintas Corp.