

NCTO主席James C.“ Jay” Self III


因为这个行业已经能够证明the tremendous value that strong rules of origin have for textile manufacturing jobs, investment, and exports, the U.S. government has remained steadfast in pursuit of a yarn-forward rule of origin in TPP. In addition, it is imperative that any agreement include protracted duty phaseouts on sensitive textile and apparel items, and strong customs enforcement provisions. At this point in the negotiations, it appears that each of these goals is achievable. As with previous trade agreements, though, many substantial and potentially damaging provisions could be reserved for the very end stages of the negotiations.

即将到来的NCTO董事长Jay Self,Greenwood Mills(左),介绍即将卸任的主席Bill Jasper,Unifi Inc.(右),并对Jasper的服务表示赞赏。



从左到右:1888年米尔斯的乔纳森·萨德诺夫(Jonathan Sadinoff)讨论了西半球策略,例如史蒂文·迪布拉斯(Steven Diblasi),拉尼尔(Lanier)服装和NCTO的奥古斯丁·坦蒂洛(Augustine Tantillo),听着。

These policy developments and challenges come at a time when the industry is enjoying an impressive rebound. U.S. textile shipments topped $56 billion in 2013, up more than 5 percent from the previous year, and U.S. textile exports were $17.9 billion in 2013, up nearly 5 percent. Much of this export growth is due to the yarn-forward rule of origin in this country’s regional free trade agreements, and there is also growth to new markets and growth in new products. Additionally, the U.S. is enjoying an investment surge in new plants and equipment in the textile sector. The fact that companies from lower-wage countries are coming to the U.S. to manufacture textiles says a lot about the competitiveness of the U.S. industry.

After decades of downward pressure on this sector, the U.S. textile industry has not only stabilized, it is expanding in practically every key economic indicator, including investment, output, employment, and exports. NCTO is committed to shaping the discourse in Washington on textiles and apparel, and communicating the value of the industry’s contributions to the U.S. economy and the economies of its Western Hemisphere trading partners. In the coming year, NCTO looks forward to working with lawmakers and the Obama administration to create a stable and logical policy environment that fully recognizes the value of the U.S. textile industry and its workforce.

