巴塞罗那欢迎全球纺织行业进入ITMA 2019



T在t o 20-26 6月举行he Fira de Barcelona Gran Via, Barcelona, Spain, ITMA 2019 is now just a few short months away! The quadrennial textile trade show, owned by the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (CEMATEX) and organized by Brussels-based ITMA Services, is always a highlight on the textile trade show calendar. ITMA rules for exhibitors state that companies may show only “newly manufactured products” guaranteeing the latest-generation machinery and innovative technologies will be on display to visitors.

截至纺织界的188BET金博宝下载新闻发布会,来自46个国家 /地区的1600多家公司已注册参加ITMA2019。该展览将通过场地占据巴塞罗那格兰(Fira de Barcelona Gran)的所有大厅,填补了240,000平方米的总展览区。组织者还预测,来自147个国家 /地区的约有120,000名游客。

As is usual with the show, the largest number of exhibitors come from European countries, with CEMATEX countries accounting for approximately 65 percent of all exhibiting companies. Italy represents the largest contingent, followed by Germany and Spain. Outside of Europe, companies from Turkey, India and China occupy the top spots in terms of total floor space reserved.


“ ITMA一直是我们非常重要的国际展览,尤其是作为使用独特技术推出全新机器的平台,”将在旋转行业展出的公司Murata Machinery总裁Daisuke Murata说。“一个更大的展示柜,其中包括ITMA新公司在内的更多参展商,将吸引更高的兴趣和吸引更多的受众。该行业内部的合作也将有更多的机会。”


“Innovation is vital for the industry’s success as Industry 4.0 gains momentum in the manufacturing world,” said Fritz Mayer, CEMATEX president. “The shift towards open innovation has resulted in increased exchange of knowledge and new types of cooperation among education institutions, research organizations and business. ITMA has been a catalyst and showcase of ground-breaking innovation since 1951. We hope participants will be able to share new developments, discuss industry trends and spur creative efforts, thus ensuring a vibrant innovation culture in a global context.”

All exhibits at ITMA 2019 will be indexed into 19 categories called chapters(请参阅表1).



The Innovation Lab recently was launched for the 2019 edition of ITMA to emphasize the innovation theme. The Innovation Lab concept features:

  • 研究与创新(R&I)馆展示了27个参与组织的研发工作,以鼓励行业与学术界之间的合作;
  • itmaSpeakers Platform where participating R&I institutes can present research projects and developments;
  • Innovation Video Showcase featuring selected videos about the exhibits to be shown at the Speakers Platform;
  • ITMA可持续创新奖成立于2015年,旨在“认识到全球纺织行业通过创新解决方案提高业务可持续性的协作努力,并促进杰出的行业相关研究”,分为两类 - 行业卓越和研究与创新卓越。

“By launching the ITMA Innovation Lab feature, we hope to better drive industry focus on the important message of technological innovation and cultivate an inventive spirit,” said Charles Beauduin, chairman of ITMA Services. “We hope to encourage greater participation by introducing new components, such as the video showcase to highlight our exhibitors’ innovation.”

官方的ITMA 2019应用程序也是2019年的新应用。该应用程序可以从Apple App Store或Google Play免费下载,并提供有关展览的关键信息,以帮助与会者计划他们的访问。该应用程序中都有地图和可搜索的参展商列表以及一般显示信息。

ITMA Services董事总经理Sylvia Phua说:“由于ITMA是一个大型展览,该应用程序将是一个有用的工具,可帮助参展商和访问者最大化其时间和资源。”在他们到达演出之前。调度程序和在线平面图将于2019年4月下旬开放。”


ITMA将再次与共同的研讨会和会议补充展览地板(See Table 2 for a full list of events). “As technological developments are happening at breakneck speed, and collaboration is becoming increasingly necessary in a globalized economy, the industry has to stay abreast of the latest developments and trends,” said Fritz P. Mayer, president, CEMATEX. “Hence, ITMA will be staging several forums to help participants be ahead of the competition curve. The forums also offer a valuable platform for various associations and professionals to connect and network with the right players. This is especially important as collaboration and partnerships from research institutions to technology, chemical and raw material providers and users are increasingly more critical to business success.”


教育计划设有两个主要会议 - 伊德玛 - 伊德纳(Itma-Edana)非织造论坛和纺织颜色和化学领导者论坛。

Nonwovens are an ever-increasingly important part of the global textile industry. The ITMA-EDANA Nonwovens Forum — jointly organized by ITMA and EDANA, the international association serving the nonwoven and related industries — was introduced at ITMA 2015. The theme for this year’s forum, held all day on June 21, is “Nonwovens Manufacturing Processes for the 21st Century: More Flexible, More Efficient, More Sustainable.”

“The nonwovens industry is a bright spark in the textile world,” said Pierre Wiertz, EDANA’s general manager. “We are glad to be able to collaborate with ITMA to bring these exciting opportunities to visitors who are involved in or have the intention to move into nonwovens manufacturing.”

The forum will be broken into three sessions:

  • 循环经济/挑战以及在非编织机械上处理生物基材料和回收材料的机会;
  • Latest trends and innovation in nonwoven processes — including hybrids and composites; and
  • Innovations in nonwovens technology.




  • 资源管理和行业4.0;
  • 通过创新应对可持续性挑战;和
  • 设想着色剂和化学工业的未来。

“该论坛一直是每本ITMA版本中热切期待的活动,因为它是一个包容性的行业平台,从纺织和服装供应链的所有利益相关者那里汲取了观点,”染色器和色彩家协会,染料和色彩学会技术主管Andrew Filarowski说。和论坛主席。“由行业组织,它允许志趣相投的行业参与者交流有关最新创新和解决方案的知识,了解全球背景下的当前问题和趋势。”

Show Details

Organizers are offering an early-bird registration discount. Anyone who registers online before May 15, 2019, may purchase a one-day pass for 40 euros ($45) or a seven-day badge for 80 euros ($90). The online rate then rises to 55 euros ($62) and 95 euros ($107) respectively. Onsite, registration will cost 85 euros ($96) for a one-day pass, and 125 euros ($140) for the seven-day badge. Attendees may also purchase conference and forum passes online, as well as request an invitation letter for a visa while ordering a badge.


Book a hotel, buy a badge, download the official ITMA 2019 app, and join the large gathering of textile industry personnel in Barcelona this summer.

纺织工业媒体集团将在ITMA上,并邀请与会者停下来,霍尔UL,B08 B208,以获取免费的副本188BET金博宝下载Textiles Panamericanos.

有关ITMA 2019的更多信息,请访问itma.com。有关巴塞罗那市的更多信息,请访问barcelonaturisme.com。

About Barcelona

Located on Spain’s northeast Mediterranean coast, Barcelona is capital of the autonomous community of Catalonia, and — with a population of more than 1.7 million people in the city proper and a metropolitan area population of more than 5 million — Spain’s second-most populous city after Madrid and Europe’s largest Mediterranean coastal metropolitan area.

Textile production was an important component of industrialization in the late 18th century, and it continues to be important today — indeed, the vast majority of members of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Textile and Garment Machinery (AMEC AMTEX) are located in Barcelona province, and AMEC AMTEX has its headquarters in the city of Barcelona a couple of miles up the road from Fira de Barcelona. In addition, the city has attempted more recently to become a major fashion center.

加泰罗尼亚地区长期以来培养了强烈的环保总局ratist identity and today still values its regional language and culture. Although Spanish is spoken by virtually everyone in Barcelona, Catalan is understood by about 95 percent of the population and spoken by about 75 percent.

巴塞罗那的罗马起源在城市历史中心BarriGòtic内的多个地点很明显。巴塞罗那的Histomriria de la Ciutat博物馆提供了挖掘的遗体

在当今巴塞罗那的中心下方的Barcino和旧罗马墙的部分地区在包括哥特式时代的catedral de la seu中可见。

The strange, fanciful buildings and structures designed by turn-of-the-century architect Antoni Gaudí, found in numerous locations around Barcelona, are major attractions for visitors to the city. Several of them together comprise a UNESCO World Heritage Site under the designation “Works of Antoni Gaudí” — including the Façade of the Nativity and the Crypt at the Basílica de la Sagrada Família, Parque Güell, Palacio Güell, Casa Milà, Casa Batlló and Casa Vicens. The site also includes the Crypt at the

ColòniaGüell是一家工业区,由EusebiGüell在附近的Santa Coloma deCervelló建立,他是一家纺织企业主,他于1890年将其制造业务从巴塞罗那地区搬到那里,建立了最先进的垂直纺织品运营并提供生活。工人的四分之一,文化和宗教便利。该工厂于1973年关闭。

巴塞罗那博物馆Del Disseny包括四个博物馆:博物馆艺术装饰;博物馆tèxtilid'Indumentària;Gabinet de Les Arts Grafiques;和Casa Bloc公寓博物馆。照片由Kippelboy/es.wikipedia.org提供
巴塞罗那博物馆Del Disseny包括四个博物馆:博物馆艺术装饰;博物馆tèxtilid'Indumentària;Gabinet de Les Arts Grafiques;和Casa Bloc公寓博物馆。照片由Kippelboy/es.wikipedia.org提供

Barcelona was also home at one time or another to 20th-century artists Joan Miró, a lifelong resident, as well as Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí. There are museums devoted to the works of Miró and Picasso, and the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona houses a private collection of works by Dalí.

The Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, located in the Parc de Montjuïc near Fira de Barcelona, has a major collection of Romanesque art and other collections of Catalan art spanning the ages.

Barcelona also has a textile museum, the Museu Tèxtil i d’Indumentària, which offers a collection of garments dating from the 16th century to the present; Coptic, Hispano-Arab, Gothic and Renaissance fabrics; and collections of embroidery, lacework and printed fabrics.

那些想在巴塞罗那品尝生活的人可能想在晚上加入当地人,漫步在城市的街道上,并品尝当地的美食和夜生活。请记住,晚餐迟到了 - 餐厅通常在晚上9点至11点之间。- 聚会一直在深夜。



Barcelona is known for its summer time street parties and district festivals, and June 2019 has a lot to offer visitors.

西班牙最大的户外聚会之一是6月23日举行的。以许多名字闻名,包括圣琼(Sant Joan)的夜晚,Revetlla de Sant Joan和Firn Night,这项活动与夏至的恰逢其时,并庆祝了夏季的开始。该活动可能具有异教徒起源,而续签起着重要作用。6月22日的午夜,火焰(全年都在佩尔皮尼扬的一个博物馆燃烧)被带到Canigó山的顶部,开始大火。这场大火与在整个地区的城镇接力的火炬共享。6月23日,火焰抵达巴塞罗那的Placa de Sant Jaume,在那里被传统的节日人物见面,然后再分享并带到城市周围的社区和自治市镇,以轻便篝火晚会。

The celebrations are embraced all over the city throughout the day with community dinners, concerts, fire-running processions and dances. Cava and a specialty flatbread called coca de Sant Joan are enjoyed during the festivities. However, many people head to La Barceloneta Beach to celebrate in the evening— with picnics, fireworks, bonfires and music — for an event that often lasts until dawn. Not surprisingly, the following day is a public holiday in Barcelona.


Gaudí’s church of the Colònia Güell, which was never completed, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in July 2005. Photo courtesy of Maria Rosa Ferre/flickr.com

高迪(Gaudí)的卡萨·巴特洛(CasaBatlló)在臭名昭著的巴塞罗那地标(Barcelona Landmark)的“魔术之夜”活动中举办了屋顶露台上的露天音乐会。门票必须提前购买一次特殊的一小时活动。入场费包括两种饮料;来自流行音乐,摇滚,爵士和弗拉门戈等各种流派的现场音乐;以及SmartGuide增强现实视频指南,以了解有关Gaudí的更多信息。请访问casabatllo.es/en/online-tickets/visit-magic-nights/了解更多信息。

Jardins Pedralbes Festival已进入第七年,是一系列在6月5日至7月15日在Pedralbes Palace花园举行的户外音乐会。邀请参加音乐会的音乐会来徘徊在花园中,其中包括高迪(Gaudí)的两幅作品 - 一场抛物线凉棚和大力神喷泉。礼堂可容纳2,000个,位于宫殿的立面对面。2019年多元化的音乐会系列散发出明星,包括玛丽亚·凯里(Mariah Carey),吉普赛国王(Gypsy Kings),卡夫特韦克(Kraftwerk)和IL Divo。有关更多信息,请访问festivalpedralbes.com/en/。

The Festa Major del Casc Antic — or festival of the Old Town — begins June 21. During this celebration, some of Barcelona’s oldest neighborhoods — Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera — host communal activities for people of all ages including traditional dances and street performances, and huge meals featuring botifarra sausage barbecues and vermouth sessions.

And for the motor sports enthusiast, the Monster Energy Catalonia Grand Prix motorcycle race is not to be missed June 14-16. This MotoGP World Championship race covers 25 laps, and it is a popular event because of the level of local success in the sport.


For more information on things to do in Barcelona this summer and to learn more about the city, visit barcelonaturisme.com.
