


作品编辑吉姆·考夫曼(Jim Kaufmann)


ome 20年前,188BET金博宝下载在美国发表了一篇有关纺织教育产品的文章(看 ”做等级,”TW,2002年1月)。具有讽刺意味的是,或者也许不是,本文中包含的许多特定于行业的评论仍然是完全可行的,即使不是2022年的预言。

  • “在过去的20多年中,美国纺织业发生了变化和改变,但需要合格,受过良好教育的人担任领导职务的需求仍然是持续的。”
  • “With the growing prevalence of niche markets and specialized products in the U.S. textile industry, colleges and universities are offering more diverse programs in order to meet the needs of the industry and provide more opportunity for graduates.”
  • “一个挥之不去的问题许多prospec的思想tive students concerns the wisdom of entering an industry many consider to be declining?” The response? “There will always be a textile industry in the United States! No doubt it has changed over the years and will evolve even more in the years to come. Textile management, marketing, chemistry and engineering skills are vital today. I would heartily encourage anyone considering a textile education to pursue it. There is still a lot of opportunity out there!”


According to David Hinks, dean of the Wilson College of Textiles at North Carolina State University (NC State), Raleigh, N.C.: “Significant changes in the textile industry in the 1980s and ‘90s with a collective move to producing textiles offshore resulted in closing down many textile mills in the U.S. and intensified the shift towards a negative opinion of the textile industry as a whole. This had a direct effect on the elimination of schools of textiles at colleges and universities and a change in programs specific to textiles being merged into materials sciences programs. As other universities moved away from textiles, it created a challenge, but it also created opportunities for NC State. We did the opposite and doubled down on maintaining the textiles name in our Wilson College of Textiles, textile programs and in our focus on the textile industry.”

如今,北卡罗来纳州威尔逊纺织学院仍然是美国最大的学校,专注于美国的纺织品,并提供了专门针对纺织品和纺织行业的最全面的计划。根据迪恩·欣克斯(Dean Hinks)的说法,“在转变之前,克莱姆森(Clemson),佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Tech),费城纺织品,北卡罗来纳州州等传统纺织学校之间进行了健康的合作。这已经成为一个有点生态系统,通过对学生的健康竞争以及偶尔的联合计划,使每个人都提高了所有人。”

如今,Dean Hinks提到的其他一些纺织学校仍在提供一种或另一种形式的纺织品计划,但是就像它支持的行业一样,发生了许多变化。

“While textile manufacturing at large was exported out of the U.S., you have to understand that the design, engineering and development functions never left. These functions are still thriving in the U.S. and manufacturing is returning,” noted Mike Leonard, academic dean, School of Design and Engineering in the Kanbar College of Design, Engineering and Commerce at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. Philadelphia University, formerly known as Philadelphia Textile, merged with Jefferson University in 2017, however, textiles continue to be an integral part of its academic offerings. “Yes, textile classes are smaller than decades ago, but they still provide excellent training grounds for addressing today’s textile endeavors that continue to be more complex, involved and engaging,” Dean Leonard said.



迪恩·伦纳德(Dean Leonard)说:“实际上,纺织业继续保持活力和良好的状态,纺织品为我们所做的一切仍然非常重要,而且不断扩大。”“成为院长后,我向每个人承诺'过去时态停止谈论纺织品!'我们需要保持积极并期待。我们可以为纺织品(包括目前和潜在的学生)所能做的主要事情是能够描述未来,对于纺织行业的真实未来,而不仅仅是放弃并说它不再存在。”

Dean Hinks offered a similar view: “The prevailing images that the textile industry has left and all that remains are rusted out buildings and hazardous sites or that its merely not exciting or ‘techy’ enough to garner the interest of younger generations is just simply not true. I always enjoy seeing people’s faces when they come to our facilities for a tour and see all that we’re involved in and where our students end up in industry. They had a vision in their mind that predictably isn’t our reality.”

Many in the industry agree that the timing is right for the industry to mount a collective effort to effectively rebrand textiles, which if presented accurately, would only help in attracting new blood to textiles.

“We find many young people seem to have a bad taste for textiles due to the old-world exposure and faded beliefs originating from adults in their lives,” said Jasmine Cox, director of Textile Technology Programs and Business Innovation at Gaston College’s Textile Technology Center, Belmont, N.C. “There really needs to be more exposure through a positive industry-led effort to reach out to students and young people in general in order to erase these old perceptions and reintroduce today’s textile industry.”




Individual and collective programs are being developed and put into motion that, to a baseball fan, sound very similar to creating a “farm system” for identifying and growing the textile industry’s talent pool. The Textile Technology Center at Gaston College recently introduced its Textile Academy(看 ”打破新的理由,”TW2021年11月/12月)提供各种教育选择,以“为当地纺织行业雇主培养各个层次的高技能工人”。

“The Textile Academy is a culmination of our efforts to meet the local textile industry’s needs and fill a perceived void based on the feedback received from different textile industry avenues,” Cox offered. “A textile education today really depends on the individual’s interests and goals. Most universities only offer four-year or higher degreed programs that may not be right for many individuals. It’s great to have university graduates go into staff positions, but you still need training for workers, technicians, shift managers, and others who may only really need a couple of days to get familiar with textiles. Or perhaps an option for someone just looking to learn more about textiles to get started, who might then entertain a more in-depth program, possibly leading to a four-year program.”

The Textile Academy is a function of the continuing education department at Gaston College. It has established several program offerings akin to attending a trade school, and accredited textiles specific courses that can lead to a two-year associates degree. Gaston College and the Catawba Valley Community College (CVCC) recently announced a “bilateral 2+2 articulation agreement” with NC State’s Wilson College of Textiles. This agreement provides the opportunity for students who graduate from the Textile Technology Degree program with a two-year associates textiles degree — initially in Textile Technology or Textile Management tracks — and who meet eligibility requirements, to possibly transfer those credits into a Bachelor of Science in Textile Technology degree program at NC State. “We’re finding that not everyone is ready for a four-year college commitment, so we are developing these programs as a way to provide an easier entry into academics through local colleges in the form of training classes, certificate courses and associates degrees,” Dean Hinks noted. “Community colleges generally have a high percentage of first-generation attendees and we need to gain and provide access to these individuals. Our intention is to start these partnerships with Gaston and CVCC and learn as we further develop the program. Then there’s no reason not to take a similar approach with other community colleges, continue to grow the program offerings, and subsequently the talent supply. The industry’s talent pool needs to become more diverse in terms of heritage, income levels, and ethnicity, and this program will indeed help.”

这项集体努力旨在支持北卡罗来纳州农村的纺织业基地,根据迪恩·欣克斯(Dean Hinks)的说法,最近的一项研究表明,在罗利(Raleigh)的三个小时车程中,人们可能会遇到约50%的美国纺织品行业。“我们确实需要使自己能够提供人才,以满足各级纺织业的需求。通过该计划,我们可以纳入社区大学为满足地面需求以及将感兴趣的人提供给NC州的努力。”



Paul Latten, director of Research and Development at Southeast Nonwovens and a graduate of NC State with a Bachelor of Science degree in Textile Engineering and Science, said: “My textile degree has proven to be useful, valuable and made it easier to relate to both soft and hard goods throughout my career. Soft goods offer a unique value proposition that you need to understand from the onset. For example, how does a polymer and/or fiber behave individually and also in a fabric structure. Then, how does each influence the intended application. This adds a complexity that isn’t necessarily apparent when dealing with hard goods. In fact, one could argue that it’s easier for someone educated in soft goods to transition into hard goods than vice versa. Soft goods just necessitate a different way of thinking.”

另一个经常被忽视的考虑因素是,纺织教育往往是一种更有效的方法来掌握和理解纺织技术,相关术语和软商品行业的固有的许多层。与钢铁,木材或混凝土等硬商品相比,与软商品相关的哲学上有独特的(如果微妙)差异。托马斯·杰斐逊大学(Thomas Jefferson University)工程课程主任布莱恩·乔治(Brian George)博士说:“我们注意到,过渡到纺织品的传统机械工程师最初确实会遇到麻烦。通常,必须将多少个变异性视为纺织品产品决策,使他们感到惊讶。可以有很多不同的选择或途径来使纺织品执行特定的方式,这与共同的硬商品的角度有很大不同。这只是另一种思维方式。”

需要明确的是,接受纺织品教育不是某人在纺织行业工作的必要条件。当然,所有这些都受到欢迎,并且有无数的例子表明,整个纺织行业工作的男人和女人在雇用时没有以前的正规纺织教育。从历史上看,许多纺织公司只是将其付诸实践,以教他们新员工,他们认为他们需要了解纺织品来完成工作。但是,纺织教育确实使新员工更短,更有效地灌输和同化期。2002年TWeducation article noted that, “The general estimate is that it takes roughly two years to bring a generic major up to the same use level as an entering textile major at a support cost to the hiring company of approximately $200,000 per year.”


随着纺织业在过去几十年中的转变和发展,从专注于传统纺织品的行业到使用越来越智能的机械制造高性能产品的行业 - 高等教育机构在重新定义化妆时采取的方法也是如此以及可用于教育的选项。正如迪恩·欣克斯(Dean Hinks)所提到的那样,北卡罗来纳州州立大学(NC State)继续保持对纺织品的关注,而其他传统纺织学校则将其纺织品产品纳入材料,科学或特定于时尚的课程中。但是,根据学生的学习课程,纺织品在这些计划中仍然很普遍。“在90年代和2000年代,我们发现拥有纺织工程学位的学生和同事在脱离纺织品并过渡到或在其他行业中过渡或被接受,因为与纺织品有关的潜在负面含义,尤其是作为其他行业,尤其​​是工程工具,”乔治博士说。“We heard things like ‘what do they learn about socks or towels that is relevant to our industry?’ So, we reasoned that a more general engineering degree with a concentration in textiles, for example, would allow them to break out into other industries without the textile stigma.”

Along with Jefferson, Auburn University, Clemson University and the Georgia Institute of Technology have transitioned their textile programs into their College of Engineering. For example, Jefferson currently offers a B.S. degree in Engineering with a concentration in Textile Sciences and a B.S. in Textile Product Sciences. Jefferson also offers a Master’s in Textile Technology or a Master’s of Science in Engineering with a textile engineering concentration. And for anyone interested in continuing, Jefferson also offers a doctorate in Textile Engineering and Sciences. Texas Tech University’s textile programs are now part of the Department of Human Sciences.

There are, however, a growing number of colleges and universities that offer a variety of textile- and/or fashion-related programs(请参阅表1), and interest in textiles is continuing to grow. “There does seem to be a change in perspectives about textiles as people start learning and seeing more about how textiles can be used,” said Dr. George. “Interest in textiles as an engineering and design medium is certainly growing and we’re finding that there are more jobs than applicants. People with textiles knowledge can essentially pick and choose where they want to go and what industry they want to be a part of. That wasn’t the case 20 years ago.”


纺织品绝对是复杂的;令人愉快的。”迪恩·伦纳德(Dean Leonard)建议。“由于这种固有的复杂性,我们改变了课程的产品,以使本质上更具包容性。我们希望设计师更好地精通纺织品的技术细节。相反,我们希望我们的技术和工程专业的学生更加了解纺织品的设计方面,以更好地了解每个学科的边缘。”全面对技术的更大强调有助于在大多数大学中灌输这一观点。对于编织和编织机来说,设计技术和图案软件在设计和应用方面都变得越来越复杂,并且在造型方面也变得更加复杂,以及3D编织和jacquard编织。

Drexel University的Priya Jyotishi毕业于科学,时装设计和研究硕士学位,他现在是Propel LLC的纺织技术专家,R.I. Pawtucket,实际上在评估她的学校和课程选项时会寻找技术组成部分。Jyotishi说:“设计的执行本质上变得越来越技术。”“因此,从我的课堂和实验室接触到我目前的工作非常有帮助。”


迪恩·迈克·伦纳德(Dean Mike Leonard)(左三,佩戴领带),学术院长,设计与工程学院,托马斯·杰斐逊大学(Thomas Jefferson University),在演讲中与学生坐在一起。


协作也是大学使用的常见术语。迪恩·伦纳德(Dean Leonard)说:“我们在杰斐逊(Jefferson)教授(看 ”合作研究,”TW,2020年9月/10月)。部门与其他部门合作。学生相互合作以及我们的教授。在各个方面,我们参与校友,并继续与纺织行业建立我们的合作工作。我们的目标是通过协作创建一个混合学生。这使他们能够从各个方面有效地解决问题,并使他们更扎根于自己的工作。您确实每次都不能从一个角度设计或设计东西。”



不甘示弱,数控状态——接近1000students enrolled in undergraduate- and graduate-related programs as of Fall 2021, and countless numbers of alumni — is focusing its collaboration efforts on an even grander scale. “Taking a much broader world view helps our students to become more confident, more worldly and better prepared for what awaits them after their graduation,” Dean Hinks said. “We want to support the entire student, not just a part of them.” As a result, at NC State there has been an increase in study abroad options along with a heightened awareness of intern programs offered through local and international textile companies. To carry these efforts even further, the Wilson College of Textiles is preparing to launch “Wilson for Life,” a new directive intended to foster a lifelong relationship with the school. “We want earning that degree to be a mile marker and the beginning of a lifelong relationship that supports our graduates throughout the twists and turns of their career journey,” Dean Hinks said. “This program will include lifelong career support, increased community engagement and relationship building opportunities, and augment what has been done in the past only in a more formal manner. The cost of a four-year degree keeps increasing, and we need to demonstrate the real value of that degree is not just those four years, but much more.”


Textiles continues to offer a more unique value proposition, which really matters in today’s world. Today’s textile industry for a new hires can include most anything from polymer composition and additive chemistry to manufacturing, fashion, industrial and technical fabrics, or fiber reinforced composites. Given this and the fact that student placement rates are almost 100 percent, it’s fair to say a textile education can be an e-ticket ride to a rather interesting career and a wealth of opportunities!

