
杰斐逊大学布鲁纳材料表征实验室主任珍妮特·布雷迪(Janet Brady)解释了一些实验室的功能。


作品编辑吉姆·考夫曼(Jim Kaufmann)

t他需要训练有素的男人和女人来满足不断增长的纺织工业的需求……”是大约20年前发表的纺织世界文章的第一句话(请参阅“ Make the Grade”,TW,2002年1月)。188BET金博宝下载如果今天写的话,这句话可能会以反映出提高的意识和培训选项的快速紧迫性的词来结束,以便产生可行的候选人,以填补众多纺织行业的职位空缺。随着美国和全球纺织工业从共同的19个大流行中重新出现,经济充满活力,但面对老化的劳动力(请参阅“当所有老人和女孩都走了时,我们该怎么办”2017年)加上一些人所说的“大辞职”,人力资源和植物经理正在争先恐后地寻找,雇用和培训能力的身体工人。结果,北卡罗来纳州加斯托尼亚的制造与纺织创新网络(MTIN)副总裁兼总经理Sam Buff确认,“培训变得越来越热!”



根据定义,培训涉及教人们特定技能的行为。Perhaps reflecting the ever-growing breadth of the textile industry, today’s iterations of training can range in scope from how to properly drive a forklift to a basic introduction of the textile industry or more detailed specifics of how to operate precision equipment such as complex spinning or high-speed knitting machines.

the variety of topics and training available can accommodate someone who is completely new to the textile industry, someone looking for a refresher on one aspect of the industry, or someone knowledgeable about the textile industry who is looking to learn about a different industry sector or piece of equipment. As alternatives to a formal textile degreed program, these offerings include casual programs or presentations at trade shows; training courses offered by industry organizations; classes offered by colleges or universities; and highly detailed operator and technician training offered by major textile machine manufacturers. Most training is offered in the form of webinars, online tutorials, workshops, formal classwork ranging from a one-hour class to multiple several week-long courses, and apprenticeships and hands-on lab work with personalized trainers and mentors.


近年来,美国政府,尤其是国防部(国防部)(国防部)(国防部)是一位不可替代的纺织品产品的主要客户和消费者。《浆果修正案》 - 一项法定要求,限制了国防部在美国以外生产的纺织品的限制 - 肯定是纺织工业的活跃细分市场。最近,国防部通过众多小型企业创新研究(SBIR)赠款,并提供赠款资金来在2016年建立总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥的高级功能织物(AFFOA)组织,努力促进纺织技术以及纺织技术的努力振兴美国纺织制造业。

AFFOA’s charge involves building a rather complex, yet collaborative ecosystem “across academia, industry and government partners” that addresses the many “grand challenges” presented to the U.S. textile industry. Segments of focus include developing systems-level solutions, rapid prototyping and transitioning technologies, many geared towards developing advanced e-textiles products. An important component of these endeavors includes “inspiring, preparing and growing the future advanced textile workforce pipeline in the U.S.” As a result, AFFOA is developing programs specific to education requirements, working with the textile industry and establishing partnerships with various universities — including NC State, U Mass – Lowell, Drexel, Cornell and MIT — to align educational opportunities and industry recognized credentials.


可以说,大多数大学目前都提供针对纺织品,时尚,设计和工程学的某种形式的培训。托马斯·杰斐逊大学(Thomas Jefferson University)的纺织品设计计划主任Marcia Weiss表示:“杰斐逊(Jefferson)确实提供了更传统的'纺织品101'类型类别,但目前我们的大部分培训请求是对公司或集团的特定需求进行定制的。”“由于我们作为纺织机构和校园实验室设施的历史,可以将培训课程构成图案,包括编织,编织,非织造和雅加德设计和执行,数字印刷和物理测试元素。”这些产品主要是非学分课程,主要关注针对学习的技能和技术。

According to Weiss, the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing restricted access to college campuses temporarily impacted the extent of textile training. “With COVID, a lot of in-person trainings were slowed, cancelled or moved on-line,” Weiss noted. “There are on-line training apps that span all facets of textiles, but it’s really just not the same as hands-on, in-person training. There’s truly no substitute for hands-on learning when it comes to textiles.”

同时扩大在不同的可用资源t Jefferson and possibly of potential interest to those involved in biomedical textile applications, Weiss referenced Jefferson’s Institute of Bioprocessing (JIB). “JIB is also a full-service development and training organization for biotechnologies. It offers product development, testing and evaluation capabilities as well as training and credentialed programs. And we can certainly complement it from a textiles perspective or vice versa.”

北卡罗来纳州威尔逊纺织学院(Wilson State of Textiles)的元素Zeis Textiles扩展(ZTE)提供各种培训和认证课程,并提供了纺织品和精益六西格马方法。它还通过学校的纺织实验室提供原型和试点生产服务,其中包括旋转纱,编织,编织,非织造,染色,染色和饰面以及物理测试。

“We also are developing a new textile fundamentals course consisting of 16 micro courses broken down into different modules that is expected to launch formally in the fall,” noted ZTE Director Andre West. “We’ve seen some gun-shyness throughout the industry due to employee turnover during present times. Companies are asking, ‘Do we invest in an employee’s training knowing they may shift to another position or leave the company?’ So, we’re breaking this program down into component parts because you may just need specific areas, which will make it faster and easier to obtain with a reduced commitment of time and investment.”

纺织业不断面临的巨大障碍是劳动力,并确定新员工的新人口细分,这直接影响培训工作。中兴通讯通过由国防部/efoa资助的研究赠款,正在努力建立劳动力发展生态系统,以增加员工的数量和承诺。中兴总监梅利莎·夏普(Melissa Sharp)表示:“我们受到行业需求的驱使,这些需求直接满足了国防部需求。”“通过这笔赠款并与加斯顿学院的纺织技术中心合作,我们正在采用差距和需要分析技术来识别非传统劳动池。在确定了这些细分市场之后,我们将能够扩大与谁联系的人,并更好地理解他们提供稳定的就业基础的需求,其中的要素可能包括在我们的培训方法中建立更多的灵活性。”

加斯顿学院(Gaston College)最近推出了纺织学院(Textile Academy),该学院及其纺织技术中心正在改进所有与纺织品有关的计划和培训课程。“Initially, the curriculum will be driven by our ‘champion companies’ and their pain points, but as we progress, we’ll be able to adjust the curriculum and content thru feedback from the participating companies and individuals to make sure we’re addressing their collective needs,” said Emily Hansley, Gaston’s director of Customized Training. “Textiles require rather specific skill sets and the demand for training is certainly there. Our goal is to provide a feeder system for better trained, more qualified talent to the industry.” College track programs kick off in June and the general training options with a variety of class offerings, available through the Textile Academy, are slated to begin in the fall.


除了培训活动外,加斯顿学院还提供了独特的替代方案 - 学徒321计划。该计划的目标成立于2015年,是“为可以在完成该计划后立即进入劳动力的小公司培养高技能的工人。”迄今为止,有108个人已经完成了该计划。目前,加斯顿有68名学徒和25名青年学徒,年龄从18岁到62岁。

加斯顿(Gaston)学徒和基于工作的学习总监吉尔·亨德里克斯(Jill Hendrix)建议:“该计划确实提供了两全其美。”“The company selects the individual, hires them and enters them into our apprenticeship program, also identifying a ‘mentor’ for the employee to ‘keep them safe.’ Collectively, the program is selected with related instruction, then we manage it through completion including handling the paperwork, associated standards and documentation.” Successful apprentices can qualify for nationally recognized certifications, academic credentials from Gaston College and a National Career Readiness Certificate. A variety of occupations are currently being offered and a textile-based occupation track is in development.



Several industry organizations also have established a variety of branded offerings specific to their membership’s interests. The Research Triangle Park, N.C.-based American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) is involved from both the academics and professional/industry perspectives. AATCC sponsors student chapters at several universities, which provide members with access to digital labs, discounts for conferences, scholarships and grants. On the industry side, AATCC hosts a variety of conferences, workshops and other textile events, each of which provide avenues for education and training activities.

Offerings include digital labs focused on textile and color technologies, processing equipment, quality systems and testing standards. Workshops are more in-depth programs and target those looking to learn something new or refresh their knowledge. Formal conferences tend to be topic specific, which include its annual conference and participation in other organization’s conferences. Also, in 2020, AATCC held its first Textile Discovery Summit, an annual event covering a broad range of textile related topics. The next summit will be held in Charlotte, October 4-6, 2022.

INDA offers on-demand, virtual and in-person training options on topics specific to nonwovens from a variety of industry experts including Chris Plotz, INDA’s director of Education and Technical Affairs.

总部位于北卡罗来纳州卡里的非织造面料行业(INDA)的协会还为有兴趣了解更多有关非织造的人提供了各种培训和教育产品。Inda教育与技术事务总监,麻省理工学院(MIT)的兼职教授克里斯·普洛茨(Chris Plotz)说:“总体教育和培训对纺织品和非织造至关重要。”“我们提供针对非编织技术和应用程序的主题的按需,虚拟和面对面的培训选项。现场课堂培训是在我们的北卡罗来纳州卡里(Cary)的地点进行的,我们与北卡罗来纳州立大学的非织造研究所(NWI)合作,提供动手培训选择。”

