

Piana Technology 440年历史的实力为公司的未来提供了信息和支持。

By Rachael S. Davis, Executive Editor

pIANA Technology归Piana家族所有,该家族于1582年开始从事纺织品业务,并在意大利被认可为最古老的纺织家庭。

1995年,一家人在佐治亚州卡特斯维尔(Cartersville)建立了染料屋,名为Tintoria Piana。该企业专注于为美国生产商染色棉服装。随着制造业在2000年代初在美国的衰落,Tintoria Piana的业务也是如此。该公司的首席执行官Andrea Piana意识到该公司需要采取不同的道路,并与一些技术合作伙伴合作,并开始为床上用品行业生产耐火纤维。“借助专利生态制造技术,该公司通过为纤维增加价值和性能来发起一条R&D公司的道路,” Andrea Piana说。“朝着关注可持续性并成为一家技术公司的转变,就像一家纺织公司一样,我们今天的许多工作都指导了我们的许多工作。”

这种转变为美国的钢琴快速增长奠定了基础。卡特斯维尔(Cartersville)的一家纤维处理设施已发展到四个设施,该公司还在亚利桑那州圣路易斯(San Luis)经营一家工厂。钢琴技术包括两个纤维处理设施,两个非织造设施和一个非织造的数字印刷设施,这些设施均由该工具私下持有,这些设施均由Piana家族。

“Our rich history as a family business, which we continue to be, is a driving factor in our ideals and values,” Piana said. “We know that continued innovation is the key to our growth. As a company, we have the strength of 440 years of history behind us, and the road to becoming a powerhouse ahead of us.”



可持续制造是比较重要的any, and it owns patents for environmentally sustainable application methods. Piana’s FR application process was developed to allow the FR chemistry to fully penetrate the fiber for even distribution. The chemistries used are non-toxic to humans and the environment, and chemistry is recycled so none is released into the environment during manufacturing. Piana also developed SaveDrop® cotton dyeing technology — a process that reduces energy consumption by up to 75 percent and water consumption by up to 90 percent. Piana reports that the cationic cotton absorbs the anionic dyestuffs in the SaveDrop process almost completely, and rinse water can be used for the next dye bath.

Piana说:“我们的生态,闭环纤维处理过程是我们从纺织品过渡到技术的关键,并使我们能够完全转移到智能,可持续的技术上。”“The technologies we’re debuting now — upgradeable, circular-economy-driven textiles, digitally printed molecular chemistries, embedded biomarker detection — have the potential to change how we view our relationship with the environment around us, from mattresses to smart cars to yoga mats and everything in between.”


At its nonwoven plants, Piana produces fire-retardant fibers and barrier fabrics for bedding using carded and thermal bonded nonwoven technology. The company also offers vertically lapped and crosslapped products.

The Piana Vertical Technology process laps a fiber web vertically instead of in the traditional horizontal format using crosslappers. According to the company, this process is unique and offers a true upright fiber orientation in the nonwoven, which provides benefits such as higher compressional resistance, greater thickness, and the potential to produce lighter nonwovens with properties equivalent to heavier traditional crosslapped products. Other benefits of the process include:

  • 灵活性和复合形成;
  • 出色的声学性能和热动力学;
  • precise and repeatable fabric uniformity;
  • 出色的可塑性;
  • 结构完整性。



Piana Cross Lapping Technology堆叠纤维网的单个或双梳理层,以根据应用程序提供各种厚度和较大的重量的非织造。该过程还可以结合钢琴的高性能处理纤维,以独特且廉价的方式添加阻燃或抗菌特性。



最近,Piana Technology推出了E/Smart Nonwovens。这种全新的垂直定向的高喇叭非织造面料是使用公司开发的新成型技术制成的。Piana说:“在我们尝试如何最好地利用我们的蒸汽成型技术的过程中,这项技术是由'事故'开发的。”“现在,我们相信这是可持续成型的未来,我们正在以可持续,可访问和可重复使用的替代方案完全替代聚氨酯泡沫的道路。创新的纤维成型技术代表了我们未来最伟大的技术之一,并将在许多垂直领域和市场中得到利用。

帕安娜继续说:“如果没有将可持续性建立到我们所有的产品中,就没有未来,这是我们存在的核心部分。”“借助我们的新成型技术,我们希望确保所有出售的E/智能产品最终都将在他们生命的尽头回到我们身边,以便我们可以回收和升级它们。这些材料都不应该看到垃圾填埋场,没有必要处置它。该过程必须是完全循环和可追溯的,否则我们不会产生积极的影响。人们应该知道 - 并且越来越感兴趣 - 公司正在采取哪些步骤来实现真正的可持续实践。”


随着Piana技术转向技术和可持续性,该公司了解了对高级,敏捷的研发工作的价值和需求。通常,公司需要解决问题,以及Piana Technology的创造性和灵活性。帕安娜说:“我们在研发上的花费比大多数公司数量多几倍,因为我们知道这就是我们将不常见的解决方案解决常见问题的方法。”“我们认为,我们的创新将解决客户的问题。大多数工作都是根据不披露协议完成的,许多尚未听说钢琴或我们正在创建的技术的人正在日常申请中使用这些技术。”

The company’s team also contributes in a large way to the company’s past and future growth. Piana noted that the distinctive backgrounds of its team members keep the team open to ideas and ensures the company always delivers. “We are a very diverse family at Piana and we believe in inspiring the best talent to perform at peak,” Piana said. “We always strive to provide people the opportunities to do things they never thought possible and because of that, we’ve assembled a team who have been able to grow and change with the company over time.


新的创新也正在使Piana技术更接近企业对消费者空间。Piana说:“目前,我们没有积极推广任何其他品牌 - 我们专注于合作伙伴关系,在那里我们可以在其中介绍最不期望的地方的可持续性和开创性技术。”“我们在今年的CES®贸易展览会上宣布了技术,这是第一次公开谈论它。多年来,我们一直在推进纺织技术,但是我们正在准备启动一个可持续的,交互式的客户 - 前向平台,该平台已经开发了多年。”

piana’s M/Smart mattress topper can be printed with a host of different molecules — cooling, aromatherapy or neurotransmitter activation, for example — for an enhanced sleeping experience


The U.S. market is critical to Piana and represents more than 95-percent of its total revenue.


Transformed into a technology company with sustainability and research at its core, Piana Technology looks to continue its success as a family business. “While we have our hands in a lot of different sectors, our core value proposition is simple: Eliminate polyurethane foam from all consumer products,” Piana emphasized. “Most manufacturing companies are concerned with product creation above all else, but we start with sustainability and work backwards from there; if we’re not improving our daily lives while saving our planet, why focus on new technologies at all?”

Piana Technology期待市场上E/智能材料的扩散 - 既可以很快首次亮相,又将其嵌入到现有产品中,例如智能汽车座椅和床垫套装。


March/April 2022