TechTextil北美/ Texprocess Americas 2022:在一个屋顶下

TechTextil北美和Texprocess Americas期待在5月17日至19日在GWCC举办该行业的全部范围。


mEsse Frankfurt Inc.在亚特兰大的旗舰店贸易表演北美和美洲Texprocess Americas将在4年休息后返回佐治亚州世界国会中心(GWCC)。在2020年最初举行的最后一场演出时,在2020年大流行期间的中断之后,该节目返回其2022年版的传统偶数时间表。

第16版的TechTextil将与2022年5月17日至19日的第五版Texprocess Americas一起加入,参观者有机会查看技术纺织品和缝制产品行业的最新创新,并以面对面的方式开会。

TechTextil North America与ATME-I合并,而Texprocess Americas由SPESA(SPESA)(缝制产品行业的供应商协会)组成。

技术纺织和技术副总裁克里斯蒂·米德(Kristy Meade)表示:“我们对参展商和参观者的兴奋程度感到兴奋,以回归北美TechTextil和Texpro-cess Americas。”“我们分享了这种兴奋,并期待为所有人提供一场惊人的活动 - 从展厅到研讨会再到下班后的网络机会。但最重要的是,我们很高兴看到每个人都在一个屋顶下,自2018年以来首次一起体验这两个节目。”


星期三,2022年5月18日,联合接待团体nized by Messe Frankfurt will be held for both Techtex-til North America and Texprocess Americas attendees. With the purchase of an add-on ticket, guests can mingle at Der Biergarten located adjacent to the GWCC in downtown Atlanta while eating German-inspired food and listening to a live Bavarian Oompah Band. The ticket price also includes an open bar and a karaoke party room.
SPESA is hosting an opening night reception open to both Texprocess Americas and Techtextil North America attendees on Tuesday, May 17, at the World of Coca-Cola building, which is just a short walk from the GWCC. Food and drinks will be provided, and tickets are available through SPESA.


As always, the event will assemble all vertical aspects of the technical textiles and nonwovens industries including research and development, raw materials, production processes, conversion, further treatment, and recycling.

Visitors will see a wide variety of product groups at Techtextil representing the entire value-added chain in the technical textiles and nonwovens sectors including fibers and yarns; woven fabrics; laid webs; braiding; knitted fabrics; nonwovens; coated textiles and canvas products; composites; adhesives and bonding technologies; functional apparel textiles; research and development; planning and consultation; and technology, machinery and accessories.

TechTextil北美exhibits are classified according to 12 applica-tion areas: Agrotech; Buildtech; Clothtech; Geotech; Hometech; Indutech; Medtech; Mobiltech; Oekotech; Packtech; Protech; and Sporttech.

Texprocess Americas

Texprocess Americasis promoted as the largest North American trade show displaying equipment and technology for the development, sourcing and production of sewn products.

Product groups and services covered include: design, product development and automation technology; contract manufacturing and sourcing; production preparation and organization; cutting room and automation technology; fabrics and materials; fusing, setting and manufacturing preparation; textile machinery; textile finishing; knitting technology; embroidery technology; stitching, joining and fastening technology and materials; product processing and finishing; energy, air conditioning, disposal and recycling; quality control; internal material flow; logistics; information technology; services, consultancy and training; and research and development.



北美TechTextil和Texprocess Americas的游客也可以通过其研讨会,研究生海报课程和学院来利用几个教育机会。

TechTextil北美和Texprocess Americas各自将举办八个关于各种感兴趣主题的研讨会会议(See Table 1).Visitors can chose a one-, two- or three-day pass to attend as many or as few sessions as they wish. The website for each show will list all of the topics and speakers as the event date gets closer and speakers are finalized. The 2022 symposium program for Techtexil North America was developed in partnership with the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Materials Science and Engineering.

Texprocess Americas会议的研讨会主题是与佐治亚大学和缝纫产品行业的各种思想领导者合作设计的。




The GWCC is located in downtown Atlanta, which offers many hotels, restaurants and entertainment options in close proximity to the trade show. Show hours are from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, and from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Thursday.

鼓励与会者提前重新获得折扣。节省注册的最后一天是4月15日,价格上涨。参观者只需要购买展览厅徽章即可为其中一场展览提供访问北美TechTextil和Texprocess Americas的访问。购买一,两天或三天的研讨会通行证,包括一次免费的展览地板通行证。所有定价和截止日期,以及酒店和跨种族信息,都可以在各自的网站上获得。


Future Events


“The shift in cycle for Techtextil North America and Texprocess Americas may take some getting used to,” Meade noted. “But given the changes being made in Frankfurt in response to the pandemic, we must act with the best interest of the industry in mind. As the premier events for the textile and sewn products industries, we know that many companies rely on a presence at our shows for global exposure; hosting the Frankfurt and North American events within the same calendar year would make it hard, if not impossible, for many companies to participate in both, and the last thing we want to do is limit our customers’ ability to do business.”


要了解有关TechTextil北美和Texprocess Americas的更多信息,请访问Techtexilna.com或Texprocessamericas。com。访问进行注册。要注册开幕晚会SPESA接待处,请访问EventBrite。com/e/e/spesa-opening-night-night-tex-tex Process-Americas-Tickets-1677772485019。
