
Cone Denim, in business since 1891, is using Oritain’s technology to verify the origin of its cotton.


TW.Special Report

W.hile the fashion and textile industries have made large strides within the realm of sustainability and supply chain traceability, there is still much progress to be made. From social responsibility to environmental and animal welfare, the many permutations of sustainability can provide as much confusion as they do clarity and direction. Regardless of where or how a company decides to act first, transparency and traceability are key. Transparency is essential as a measure of success. By opening up the operational processes, supply chain components and goals to the public, companies provide opportunities for feedback and review. They also help other brands and consumers see the process and understand that sustainability is a journey, not a destination. It is vital to pave the way and encourage others to be transparent as well, which also helps eliminate the accusation of inaction and concerns of greenwashing.


The ability to verify the origin of finished products and raw materials helps to verify measures of success on a company’s journey towards sustainability. Many companies have ethical sourcing policies in place to ensure responsible sourcing — environmental and manufacturing policies to protect worker rights and welfare and animal welfare guidelines that prohibit mistreatment — but until it can be verified that products or raw materials have come from locations that meet these requirements, it is very difficult to drive any level of sustained change. Traceability is, therefore, vital to accountability and, ultimately, long term change.


这种合作伙伴关系允许锥体为其客户提供最大的透明度,因此加强了锥形牛仔布的信任水平和它适用的品牌。“我们与oritain的合作伙伴关系取得了重大成功,绝对是锥体的正确方向,”史蒂夫·马戈德总统表示,反映了公司与oritain合作伙伴关系。“能够验证棉花锥体的增长起源,并证明我们的索赔是有效的,这是锥体和我们服务的品牌和客户的主要优势,最终驾驶更强大的信誉业务。然而,信托信托对企业不仅仅是企业 - 锥体目睹了新技术兴致的客户增加及其利益。



Steve Maggard将该技术的准确性称为关键卖点。“我们很高兴能够为我们对负责任采购的承诺提供科学确定性的,”麦加尔德说。“Oritain独特的过程提供了可在法庭上可接受的可记载透明度,并通过Daubert标准,真正加强我们的道德和可持续采购索赔。这使我们能够向客户保证,锥形牛仔产品不含来自禁止地区的任何棉花,提供了高度的信心和安心。“


转向更可持续的和透明的增刊y chains is undoubtedly gaining traction. The motivation is there, as well as the industry action. However, what’s been lacking until now is the ability for brands to measure their progress towards more sustainable and responsible practice, and pass on this progress to their consumers — improving their desirability as partners and consumer-facing brands, as well as helping to mitigate risk. Maggard was excited to work with Oritain because of this technological ability that sets them apart. He sees this type of origin verification testing and transparency being “industry standard inside of 5 years” and a mere requirement of doing business nowadays. “Cone Denim is very pleased with our decision to work with Oritain and would do it again in a moment,” Maggard said.

W.ith Cone Denim now entering into the second year of its partnership with Oritain, the company is in a great position to tackle the future of the textile industry, and it is continuously working to continue leading sustainable practice into every part of its supply chain.

March/April 2022