From Traveling Traveler Salesman To Traveler Expert

A.B.Carter offers years of experience in rings and ring travelers and can help customers optimize their spinning processes.


TWSpecial Report

一个Nniversaries总是很特别,但是100周年是一个重要的里程碑,特别值得庆祝。通过创新,质量生产和卓越的客户服务 - 所有这些都在全球展望中 - A.B.北卡罗来纳州加斯托尼亚的卡特公司(Carter Inc.)达到了百年纪念。该公司成立于1922年,已经度过了美国纺织工业的起伏,并在当今处于良好的位置,并准备在接下来的100年中进行。



A.B.卡特由亚瑟·拜纳姆·卡特(Arthur Bynum Carter)于1922年成立。卡特(Carter)是一个自学的研究员,他的职业生涯始于与旋转工厂合作的环旅行者销售代表。正是在这段时间里,卡特被介绍给了Boyce Weavers的编织。发现这项技术很有趣,卡特购买了专利并自行罢工。他开始制造结构,修改和调整设计,直到它是织布工最优质的织机在全球销售的最好的结式,部分原因是它的简单性。

Carter then began to expand his offerings and using his interest and prior expertise in ring spinning and ring travelers, began manufacturing metal travelers. Carter Traveler Co. soon began to supply high-quality ring travelers to customers in the United States and beyond. The company later added yarn spinning rings and nylon travelers to its portfolio.

A.B Carter总裁兼首席执行官Henderson Wise

A.B.总裁兼首席执行官Henderson Wise说:“我们的钢铁和尼龙旅行者已经成长和发展成为各种旋转和扭曲应用的全球标准。”卡特。





A.B.卡特运营着一个垂直的生产结构cture to ensure high-quality products with flexibility and customization in mind. The company maintains complete control over the manufacturing process for its steel travelers. The Carter Wire Co., a division of A.B. Carter, produces the highest-quality wire that is drawn to size, annealed and shaped. The formed travelers then are heat treated and finished to exact customer specifications. Quality is assured by the company’s advanced metallurgical lab and innovation center staff who conduct extensive tests on the company’s products.

A.B.Carter employees, friends and family recently gathered for a centennial celebration.


一个company’s longevity and continued success is determined by many other factors, but long-standing relationships with valued customers undoubtedly plays a significant role.

“先生。Carter believed then, as we still believe today, that our customers are our partners, and we should always go above and beyond to serve them,” Wise said.

Customers depend on A.B. Carter’s technical assistance in the spinning process. “Our technical engineers have many years of experience to help optimize the spinning process along with our rings and ring travelers in all types of applications,” Wise said. “We value this relationship as we work to make our customers successful.”


Team Atmosphere

一个company’s success surely also is aided by a team of knowledgeable and loyal employees. Henderson says one of A.B. Carter’s greatest strengths and assets is its employees. “Many of our employees have been here for many years,” Wise said. “We have always had an open-door policy as this extended communication and genuine interest in all our employees makes everyone feel like they are an important member of the team.”


Spinning is a global enterprise, and in order to grow and remain successful, A.B. Carter is committed to doing business on the international stage, keeping up what Mr. Carter started all those years ago. “Spinning optimization is critical to mill profitability, and spinning mills today compete in a global market,” Wise said.

为了支持该公司在2006年的全球需求和日益增长的全球需求卡特在印度开设了一个子公司-A.B。卡特印度列兵。有限公司 - 向印度,孟加拉国和斯里兰卡的客户提供旅行者和戒指产品。“ A.B.的团队卡特印度在覆盖印度和孟加拉国的市场方面做得很好。”怀斯说。“这些区域的旋转厂非常技术性,并且在全球范围内运行一些最高的主轴速度。由于最近的创新使我们的客户能够改善其流程和纱线质量,因此我们已经看到我们的市场份额增加了。”


Celebrating The Milestone Anniversary

A.B.卡特(Carter)最近在加斯托尼亚总部举行了全公司庆祝活动,其中包括过去和现在的员工,董事会,股东和朋友。“ A.B.卡特公司(Carter Inc.)在纺织行业的全球供应商中拥有漫长而悠久的过去和伟大的未来。”“我为我们的公司和我们所有的员工都非常自豪,以取得这一伟大的成就。

“Our customer service and continued innovation are commitments that began 100 years ago with Mr. Carter’s drive and passion,” Wise continued. “We look forward to continuing our next chapter as we move forward in the ever-changing textile industry.”

September/October 2022