

TWSpecial Report

Fiber reinforced composites (FRCs), which are engineering materials comprising stiff fibers embedded in a soft matrix, typically have a constant fiber radius that limits their performance. Now, researchers from the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in Korea have developed a scheme for AI-assisted design of FRC structures with spatially varying optimal fiber sizes, making FRCs more lightweight without compromising their mechanical strength and stiffness, which will reduce the energy consumption of cars, aircrafts, and other vehicles.



为了解决这个问题,由韩国Gwangju科学技术学院Jaewook Lee教授领导的国际研究团队最近开发了一种新的方法,用于具有空间变化的纤维尺寸和方向的FCR逆设计,也称为“功能上的分级”复合材料。”所提出的方法基于“多尺寸拓扑优化”,该方法允许在给定一组设计参数和约束的情况下自动找到最佳功能分级的复合结构。

“拓扑优化是一个基于ai设计中欧ique that relies on computer simulation to generate an optimal structural shape instead of on the designer’s intuition and experience,” explains Prof. Lee, “On the other hand, a multiscale approach is a numerical method that combines the results of analyses conducted at different scales to derive structural characteristics.” Unlike similar existing approaches that are limited to two-dimensional functionally graded composites, the proposed methodology can simultaneously determine the optimal three-dimensional composite structure alongside its microscale fiber densities and fiber orientations.



