
南卡罗来纳州格林维尔 - 2016年9月13日 - Delta Apparel Inc.今天报告说,它已经完成了其北卡罗来纳州的销售,纺织厂和这些业务中使用的某些资产。该工厂于2016年7月关闭,是该公司先前宣布的制造重新调整的一部分,旨在以较低的成本设施最大化生产,从而消除了重复的固定成本,并利用了最新的染色和精加工技术。预计重新汇合将显着降低生产成本,毛利率提高,并最终将营业收益提高每年800万美元,约为每股稀释股票的0.70美元。


Robert W. Humphreys, Delta Apparel’s Chairman and CEO, commented: “While it was a difficult decision to close the Maiden facility, we are pleased that the new owner plans to continue using it as a wet-processing facility that will provide continued employment opportunities in the Maiden community. We have successfully partnered with established domestic textile producers to source fabric for our made-in-the-USA products previously produced at this plant, and will continue to sew the fabric into garments at our Rowland, N.C., apparel facility.”


