PVH名称Rick Relinger SVP,首席可持续发展官(CSO)

纽约 - 2022年3月31日 - 里克·雷林格(Rick Relinger)已确认为首席可持续发展官(CSO)的角色。自2021年11月以来,Relinger一直担任临时CSO。在此职位上,他将继续监督PVH的全球企业责任职能,这是PVH的可持续发展策略的远期时尚的各个方面。

Rick负责将PVH品牌,地区和职能的可持续发展融合到公司文化中,并与外部利益相关者合作,将可持续性纳入我们的产品和我们的业务运营中 - 使PVH成为一个发展可持续品牌的行业领先平台。


Since joining PVH in 2014, Rick has launched major partnerships which include with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to expand professional development opportunities for over 100,000 women working in Bangladesh’s garment sector and with the International Labour Organization’s Better Work program to establish representative workplace committees in factories across our supply chain. Rick also led efforts for PVH to sign the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry to strengthen health and safety standards across the supply chain and extend the Accord’s reach to countries beyond Bangladesh.




资料来源:PVH Corp.