
马萨诸塞州阿默斯特,意大利的阿默斯特 - 2023年3月13日 - Ortholite®,全球可持续性,性能和舒适鞋垫和鞋类材料解决方案,以及生物降解,生产和生态设计的国际创新者Novamontcompostable bioplastics and biochemicals, announce an exclusive partnership in the creation of OrthoLite Cirql™, the world’s first circular foam material solution for footwear.

OrthoLite Cirql foam is a patented footwear materials solution combining OrthoLite’s 26 years of expertise and innovation in foaming polymers and Novamont’s world-leading bio-based, compostable and recyclable polymer to provide the first technology capable of greatly reducing the high impact of the manufacturing process with multiple end-of-life disposal options.


Ortholite CIRQL将在2023年为Ortholite的500多个鞋类品牌合作伙伴和工厂利益相关者提供传统的无塑料,可扩展和真正的圆形材料。

Ortholite的首席执行官兼创始人Glenn Barrett说:“ Ortholite CIRQL照亮了真正的圆形鞋类的前进道路。”“我们很高兴能与Novamont合作,升级可扩展的解决方案,以推动全球鞋类行业的积极变化。这种合作伙伴关系建立在信任和透明度上,也是为我们的500多个全球鞋类品牌合作伙伴提供的无情承诺,以便从中底开始使用单源循环材料。”

OrthoLite sought out the high-tech bio-polymer company because of Novamont’s pioneering activities in the field of the circular bioeconomy and for its 30 years of experience in the development of chemical and biotechnological processes to create low-impact certified biodegradable and compostable solutions with multiple end of life options for everyday life, including: packaging, separating organic waste collection, retail purchasing, disposable tableware, farming, lubricants, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and more.

“Proving by facts that it is possible to ‘do more with less,’ Novamont has always based its model on the development of products conceived as true catalysts for change, which are capable of activating much greater systemic effects than the product itself, and not as mere substitutes for traditional ones,” explained Catia Bastioli, CEO and founder of Novamont. “Our philosophy has always been to avoid the problems of pollutant accumulation in the environment, and the fruitful collaboration with OrthoLite, a company that is also committed in finding solutions and not just products, allows us to bring our approach to the footwear industry for the first time.”

Ortholite CIRQL不含“永远的化学物质”,并从非GMO传统的植物原材料以及合成生物降解的材料负责任地采购。可以通过低能,高级化学回收利用材料将材料返回到生产周期中,以帮助通过选定的工业堆肥方法和处理器使材料保持使用或返回自然,以完全堆肥。使用现有和新的,封闭的循环,收回,回收鞋类的回收流,可扩展的生命管理终结将涉及与鞋类品牌和废物管理领域的合作。矫正物CIRQL还将有助于避免持续的微塑料的积累,因为颗粒将生物降解类似于天然聚合物,例如纤维素。

Novamont Research开发了一种量身定制的生物聚合物材料,用于原醇CIRQL的无化学泡沫工艺,该过程使用氮(从空气中呼吸)与可再生能源相结合。与当前使用的常规泡沫方法不同,CIRQL的生产中不使用危险或有毒的化学添加剂。在极端压力下,生物聚合物颗粒被融化并与液氮混合,在独特的注射成型过程中,产生了极有效的周期时间,从而减少了能耗,并创建了未停机时间,聚合或浪费的成品零件。

NovAmont于2020年获得了冠军公司的认证,该公司是联合国全球紧凑型网络的成员,这是一个领导平台,用于制定和实施负责任的公司政策和实践。Ortholite CIRQL标志着该公司在鞋类行业的首次亮相。合作伙伴共同为全球鞋类行业带来了全球环境改进解决方案,该市场目前价值约4000亿美元。

自25年前创立以来,可持续运营也一直是矫正器的DNA的核心,从含有再生橡胶的鞋底鞋底开始。作为全球470多个领先的鞋类品牌的首选鞋垫供应商,包括户外,运动,跑步,舒适,高尔夫,生活方式和时尚鞋 - 每年都有超过500百万双鞋。通过基于信任的关系,其全资且垂直整合的全球供应链和位于世界各国的生产设施,Ortholite对可持续的循环解决方案的承诺具有巨大且可衡量的全球影响。该品牌目前的目标是实现零浪费,这是朝着减少污染和自然系统再生的重要一步,即循环,可持续解决方案的核心宗旨。

Ortholite CIRQL致力于完全透明度和第三方验证,并进行了广泛的第三方测试和分析,包括完整的生命周期IVL评估。Ortholite CIRQL是经过认证的工业堆肥 - (DIN CERTCO),REACH认证(EU)和USDA认证的BIOPreferred®,RSL兼容(Intertek),未认证的GMO无GMO,经过认证的,认证的纯素食和低或过敏性。

OrthoLite’s Cirql headquarters is in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where its factory achieved an overall verified score of 95 percent from the Higg Index in 2022. As a vertically integrated company with its owned and operated factories across the globe, OrthoLite understands how to implement scalability with its brand partners and their Tier 1 footwear factories. OrthoLite has room to scale capacity on site at its factory in Vietnam and will work with the footwear brands and their factory partners who will meet the larger demands of the brands when it comes to scaling it. Novamont, headquartered in Novara, Italy, is also a global, vertically integrated company with the means to scale and grow this innovation in stride with OrthoLite. OrthoLite Cirql is moving from the lab into production scale in the back half of 2023.

