

双方的利益是如此乐观,以至于JEC集团和Techtextil North America决定明年在休斯顿(2015年6月2-4日)再次举行合作。“我们支持长期的关系。我们与TTNA的战略伙伴关系旨在逐步为我们各自的市场带来日益增加的附加价值。我们很高兴第一批成果非常积极。”JEC集团总裁兼首席执行官Frédérique Mutel女士说。“此外,选择休斯顿作为我们联合活动的下一个目的地,完全符合JEC的使命,即解决复合材料行业的每个部门和每个细分。它使我们能够更接近能源与环境、石油与天然气、管道与储罐、风能等集群,或者进一步拓展我们的航空或汽车网络。”

法兰克福展览有限公司总裁Dennis Smith表示:“休斯敦是我们2015年展会的理想地点,因为它代表了能源、航空航天、医疗和其他与技术纺织行业非常相关的关键制造业领域的繁荣商业环境。他进一步补充道:“我们再次与JEC合作,也代表了一种持续的倡议,即将相关活动结合在一起,为参与者的体验增加价值。”

Further illustrating the value and success of JEC’s mission was the joint venture signed and announced at JEC Americas 2014, between contract manufacturer TSE Industries of Clearwater Fla., and ATT Composites, a designer and builder of composite multi-stage hydraulic hoists in Orilla, Ontario. The two companies first met in Boston at the 2013 JEC Innovation Awards ceremony, and recognized an opportunity to develop prototypes of Telescopic Hydraulics cylinders using TSE-EcoWind Poyurethane Composites Resins. Both companies are winners of a JEC Innovation Awards (ATT in 2013 and TSE in 2014).

Held in parallel with the JEC Americas exhibit, the latest Innovative Composites Summit (I.C.S.) showcased expert insights from leading scientists, designers and engineers from around the world, who discussed important macro trends affecting industry sectors, such as composite matrices, reinforcements, aeronautic and automotive solutions, as well as mass production of textile preforming technologies.


JEC Americas也是JEC第三汽车圈的网站,其中来自全球汽车行业的六十家公司的最高经理会见了他们的同行和未来合作伙伴,讨论了整个汽车复合材料供应链的挑战,成功和新的机遇。First launched at last year’s JEC Americas event and revisited at JEC Europe 2014, the Atlanta event featured a keynote from Luciano De Oto and Marco De Luca of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. about a new European Union-funded project for the development of cost-effective and sustainable polyethylene-based carbon fibers. Further, its success has inspired the launch of similar JEC events, including a Simulation Circle held during JEC Americas Fall 2014 in Boston this October, and an Aeronautics Circle slated for JEC Asia 2014 in Singapore this November.

在亚特兰大的活动中,许多游客被邀请参观Marietta NDT的95,000平方英尺定制无损检测系统的生产空间。参观这家美国行业领先者的工厂,您可以深入了解其提供的广泛的解决方案,从最初的设计讨论到制造、安装和服务。

作为复合材料行业的一站式采购活动,JEC Americas由来自整个复合材料价值链的公司参加,代表了一系列关键的行业终端市场。在这个代表着全球最大复合材料市场的地区,这是一个学习、业务发展和建立网络的独一无二的机会。

2015年6月2-4日,在休斯敦举行的JEC美洲复合材料展览会(JEC Americas Composites Show and Conferences)的高提前预订率证实了北美地区与会者对该活动的积极关注和高度重视。

