INDA’s Annual Leadership Meeting Honors Member Achievements And Charts Future

北卡罗来纳州卡里(Cary) - 2016年3月17日 - 非织造面料行业协会Inda在其年度会议和领导力会议上认可了三名高成就的非织造行业领导者,该协会还绘制了其未来。

INDA总裁Dave Rousse在3月7日至9日在北卡罗来纳州卡里的Umstead Hotel and Spa举行的会议上颁发了奖项,致为:Edward“ Ed” A. Vaughn博士,死后,Inda Lifetime技术成就奖;罗伯特·鲍勃·戴尔(Robert“ Bob” Dale),Inda Lifetime服务奖;以及INDA总统奖的Gideon“ Gidi” Krasny。


“这独家INDA成员活动,旨在反对duct INDA governance matters, also provided robust conference content related to the management of our members’ businesses, and a political perspective early in this highly charged political year,” said Rousse.

成员们听取了贝尔领导力学院的创始人兼首席执行官兼教授兼UNC Kenan-Flagler商学院教授Gerald D. Bell博士的演讲。“ 2016年比赛的状态。”

Inda还宣布任命其2016年的新成员和执行委员会的新成员。加入董事会是:Astenjohnson Advanced Fabrics的Henry Johnson,Georgia-Pacicific LLC的John Mulcahy,James&Vose Company的James Vogt,John&Vose Company,John&Vose Company,JohnFreudenberg Performance Materials的McNabb,Herrmann Ultrasonics的Uwe Peregi和Johnson&Johnson Worldwide的John&Johnson的John Poccia。INDA执行委员会的新任命包括Suominen的Karen Castle,Fi-Tech Inc.的Todd Bassett和Berry Plastics的Albert Dietz。


伊达(Inda)死后认可埃德·沃恩(Ed Vaughn),被称为“先生美国的非织造”在Inda Lifetime技术成就奖中,他在非织造行业中悠久的技术职业以及他的技术创新历史结合在一起。沃恩教授多年来一直是INDA的重要教育者和顾问。2007年,沃恩教授因其对Inda和Nonnowovens行业的许多杰出贡献而获得了Ideas Lifetime成就奖。

他的杰出成就之一是担任INDA工程纤维和面料杂志(Jeff)的执行编辑,在那里他审查了新的和经验丰富的研究人员的技术工作,这使他们有机会扩大工作。沃恩(Vaughn)加入克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)担任系主任,然后从1977年到1989年担任学校主任,然后退休,成为名誉教授。从2001年到2015年8月,他一直是INDA受欢迎的中级无编织培训课程的讲师。

Bob Dale’s service to the nonwovens industry over 25 years was recognized with the INDA Lifetime Service Award, which is given to professionals who have two decades of active service to and partnership with INDA specifically, and the nonwoven industry as a whole. Dale’s service includes leadership as an INDA Board Member, The Nonwovens Institute Board Director, contributions to the INDA Technical Advisory Board, RISE® (Research, Innovation & Science for Engineered Fabrics) and its technical predecessor committees.


他目前是Berry Plastics(以前称为PGI)的副总裁资本工程。他以前的领导经验包括Johnson&Johnson - Chicopee,Kendall Healthcare(Covidien)和Milliken。

INDA awarded its President’s Award, presented periodically to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to the nonwovens industry, to Gidi Krasny for his 35 years of experience that has enabled him to advance products, processes and capabilities that have significantly impacted the nonwovens industry. He joined Spuntech in 2003 as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and directed the expansion of that organization to North America. Over the past 12 years, Krasny has invested over $130 million, hired 160 employees, and more than tripled the company revenues in the greenfield facility in Roxboro, NC.

Prior to joining Spuntech, Krasny held several leadership positions with the Strauss Elite Group, a leading Israeli food group, including General Manager of Elite Coffee and General Manager of Elite Confectionary. He began his career with Delta Industries, a large textile/apparel company.

Posted March 17, 2016
