

作品编辑吉姆·考夫曼(Jim Kaufmann)

A老谚语暗示:“当生命给你柠檬时,做柠檬水。”对于最近在波士顿大会和展览中心举行的Idea16节目的非编织面料行业的协会和组织者的Inda,这一谚语成为了Inda's Booth提供的令人耳目一新的柠檬水,这是一个大声疾呼。在整个演出中,Inda的展位都是柠檬水中心,是与同事见面的舒适场所,或者花一分钟的时间放松身心并简单地享受柠檬水。

Ideas HowfloorINDA has been covering the nonwovens industry since 1970. The association hosts the IDEA show every three years and the 2016 show originally was scheduled at its traditional venue in Miami. That is until the show’s organizers were informed that Miami’s exhibition hall was to be renovated and the show contract would be cancelled. After some scrambling, INDA created lemonade and found the Boston Convention Center, a well-appointed facility in an affable city, to hold the show. “This is a beautiful facility, open, airy and inviting” said Jeff Willis, owner, Nonwovens By Design. “And Boston is a good place to hold a show like this, just wish the weather was better.” Terrible weather all week in Boston, yes, but the lemonade still flowed.

Final Show Numbers Point To Success

Acompeting trade show unfortunately was scheduled on these exact same dates in a different city. However, INDA created more lemonade in the form of record attendance numbers for both exhibitors and attendees alike. IDEA16’s 555 exhibitors welcomed more than 7,000 attendees from more than 60 different countries during the three days of the show, an indication of the wide breadth of the nonwovens industry. Festivities kicked off Monday evening with a welcome reception held at Boston’s House of Blues, which was sponsored by Velcro Companies. More than 700 people attended the reception, enjoying the southern-style cuisine and live music and, of course, lemonade.”

该节目本身主要是参与者的巨大成功。北卡罗来纳州扬斯维尔的Nonwovens,Nonwovens,Nonwovens,Nonwovens的全球产品经理John Schauer说:“这是一个很棒的表演,远远超出了我们的期望。。我不确定这是否与在波士顿,天气或什么相关,但这很令人耳目一新!”

研发总监克里斯•帕里斯Fiber Innovation Technology, Johnson City, Tenn.

First time exhibitor, Chris Parris, research and development director, Johnson City, Tenn.-based Fiber Innovation Technology, felt the show was a great experience. “This is our first time exhibiting at IDEA and it’s really been very positive,” Parris said. “We’ve been able to talk with a wide array of folks about our products and capabilities which has been great. We’re very pleased.”

美国北卡罗来纳州科尼利厄斯市Allertex Inc.主席Alistair Deas通过提供很好的总结说:我们的表演非常好,这使我们能够以非常积极的态度在今年余下的时间里前进。”


The IDEA Conference, which focused on the status of the global nonwovens industry, was held prior to the show floor’s opening each day. Each morning’s session focused on a different geographic area. Lemonade flowed because most of the numbers presented indicated a strong and growing global nonwovens industry. Production levels in most of Europe, North America and Asia remains healthy, though South America was off a bit because of Brazil’s ongoing financial slump. According to INDA President Dave Rousse, North America in particular will have at least 14 new manufacturing lines added in 2015 and 2016, with nine or 10 of these installations taking place in the Carolinas. The common theme throughout the presentations was that nonwovens remains a strong growth industry that continues to be driven by technology and innovation.


  • 用于设备 - 总部位于田纳西州亨德森维尔的ITW Dynatec的Ultra™Strand涂料系统;
  • 用于滚动商品 - 总部位于瑞士的雅各布·霍尔姆集团(Jacob Holm Group)的Softlite™轻量级非织造;
  • 对于原材料 - 总部位于德国的巴斯夫SE的Saviva™SAP技术;
  • 对于寿命转换的短期产品 - 总部位于香港的WipemeWorld的Wipeme®卷卷擦;和
  • 对于长寿,转换的产品 - 诺斯布鲁克。基于Ill.的Imports Impossions LLC基于复合的添加剂制造(CBAM)3-D印刷件。

The highlight of the awards ceremony was the presentation of IDEA16’s Lifetime Achievement Award to Leo Cancio, an advisor for Clopay Plastic Products Co. Inc., Mason, Ohio.During his acceptance speech, Cancio summarized the continued success of the nonwovens industry when he said performance is what matters most. “The individual steps are just a means to an end and it’s fine to change the choreography if this produces a better, more complete performance,” he added.


几家公司为编排提供了独特的变化,包括雅各布·霍尔姆集团(Jacob Holm Group)赞助的首次血液驱动和每日娱乐性早晨在波士顿的历史悠久的地区跑步。

Numerous changes in choreography were found throughout the show floor in the more traditional form of innovative offerings and facility expansions.

总部位于夏洛特(Charlotte)的Dak Americas是北美最大的聚酯树脂和主食纤维生产商之一,他宣布了一个新设施,计划于2017年第一季度在密西西比州上线。Dak America的商业总监Antonio Garza说:“这代表了Dak对非织造市场领域的承诺。”“它将为我们的产品提供更广泛的覆盖范围和更好的物流,并增加北美产品系列。”

总部位于南卡罗来纳州斯巴达堡的Auriga Polymers Inc.是泰国Indorama Ventures的一个部门,宣布在其Spartanburg设施中增加了一条新产品线,该工厂将于今年年底在线。

Clopay Plastics宣布了一笔5000万美元的投资,以扩大其在北美的挤压和印刷能力,同时还引入了SOF-FLEX®,这是针对卫生市场的低基重透气产品。

总部位于德国的Freudenberg Group正在通过其创造性Evolon®微纤维技术获得商业上的成功,这是一种独特的聚酯和尼龙的混合物,已经开发了一段时间,但由于其独特的特性,现在已经获得了商业兴趣并找到了新的应用。”

贝基·莫雷尔(Becky Morel)(左)和魔术贴公司的卡拉·亨德里克(Kara Hendrick)

Velcro Companies’ Becky Morel was excited for IDEA16 to be in Boston because it’s close to Velcro’s U.S.-based headquarters, and is “basically a home game for us.” Velcro displayed its flex-zone™ hook and loop fastener technology, where softness is the key attribute allowing for a large assortment of end-uses and customized solutions.”

Bostik Inc., Wauwatosa, Wis., used the show to introduced Brilliance™, a new high-performance olefin elastic attachment adhesive that will be available in October of this year. According to Bostik’s Courtney Korselt: “We’re excited for the formal introduction as this product has exceeded all expectations in our testing and trials. It simply works!”

位于威斯康星州WAUWATOSA的Bostik Inc.的代表向与会者介绍了该公司的New Brilliance™粘合剂。
詹妮弗·利里(Jennifer Leary)(左)和代表北卡罗来纳州立大学和非织造研究所的Behnam Pourdeyhimi博士

INDA offered floor space to The Nonwovens Institute (NWI) at North Carolina State University (NCSU) where 20 students were allowed to present poster sessions depicting their work. Behnam Pourdeyhimi, NWI’s executive director, said INDA had been great to work with, but clarified that all of the papers presented were supported by NWI, but not all were from NCSU. Jennifer Leary, a Ph.D. student at NCSU, offered a uniquely different perspective on the IDEA show. “As a student this show has been valuable in illustrating the scope and breadth of nonwoven applications,” said Leary. “It reminds us of why we’re doing everything we’re doing in the labs and classes. The conversations I’ve had are very encouraging in that there is industry interest in what we’re doing and the exchange with others here is like a brainstorming session. It gives me a genuine feeling that there’s a real creative spark and element to this industry.”


July/August 2016