Lydall Awarded $13.5M Contract By U.S. Department Of Defense To Support American-Made Face Mask Production

MANCHESTER, Conn. — June 30, 2020 — Lydall Inc. — a U.S. manufacturer of value-added engineered materials and specialty filtration solutions that create a cleaner, safer and quieter world — today announced the signing of a $13.5 million contract award with the United States Department of Defense (DOD). The contract will support Lydall’s investment in two new meltblown production lines — including one that had been announced on June 2 — in its Rochester, N.H., facility. This investment will significantly accelerate Lydall’s domestic production of meltblown filtration media that comprises the critical filtration layer of N95 respirators and surgical masks. By May 2021, Lydall will increase its capacity of meltblown filtration media to support the monthly domestic production of 140 million N95 respirators or 540 million surgical masks, and of high-performing air filtration media to improve air quality in indoor spaces.

“面罩是保护美国人免于19 Covid-19的'盔甲'。与设备一样,美国军方为我们的士兵提供,我们的面罩和内部的过滤媒体必须高度设计,并得到科学的支持,并遵守国家职业安全与健康研究所(NIOSH)的严格标准(NIOSH),该部门Lydall总裁兼首席执行官Sara A. Greenstein说。“我们非常感谢美国政府认识到加速N95和手术面罩的国内生产的重要性,并提供了我们所需的赠款。我们还要祝贺新罕布什尔州和罗切斯特市对这项投资,并感谢他们的合作和合作伙伴关系。我们共同支持国内供应链,创造美国就业机会,并为与Covid-19的斗争做出贡献。”

With the installation of these two new production lines, Lydall’s New Hampshire facility will be the largest site for meltblown filtration media production in the United States and a center of excellence for advanced filtration media innovation. To support the wider need for improved air quality beyond COVID-19, Lydall’s innovation team is focused on developing new carbon-based, high-efficiency media for MERV-, HEPA- and ULPA-grade filters for hospitals, airplanes, restaurants, office buildings and other public spaces. Lydall expects to generate new jobs to support the increase in production.

“As a market leader in specialty filtration solutions for nearly 100 years, we are proud to bring the full extent of our deep manufacturing expertise, assets and people to bear in the production of personal protective equipment for our first responders, medical professionals, military personnel and the general public,” Greenstein added. “We have done everything within our capacity to ramp up our production of filtration media for N95 respirators and surgical face masks. With the support of the U.S. government, we will increase production even further.”

This contract award is a product of the ongoing collaboration between the Department of Defense and the Department of Health and Human Services, led by the Department’s Joint Acquisition Task Force and funded through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Posted June 30, 2020

Source: Lydall