Shawmut Corp.,Fallon Co.宣布可用的美国制造的N95口罩和与Thermo Fisher Scientific的多年分配合同

马萨诸塞州西布里奇沃特 - 2021年3月10日 - 今天,Shawmut Corp.以及其主要N95面具生产投资者Fallon Co.宣布推出其NIOSH批准的Protex™N95 Mask,并与PATENT PRETENG PROTEX™一起推出ADC™全日舒适系统用于长时间使用。现在的生产线正在运行,目的是按年底逐年创建多达1000万面口罩,以满足对国内生产的PPE的持续需求。该公司还与Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.宣布了其N95口罩的多年分配合同。代表Protex™N95颗粒呼吸器的许多早期订单之一。

Shawmut’s new domestic N95 manufacturing operation is based at the company’s West Bridgewater, Mass., headquarters and was created through a purpose-driven partnership with The Fallon Co. and supported by a grant from Massachusetts’s Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (MERT), a program created to support in-state manufacturing of critical PPE items, including N95 masks, protective gowns, hand sanitizer, and ventilators. The new manufacturing facility, which went from concept to production in six months, is expected to create as many as 300 new jobs in Massachusetts.

州长查理·贝克(Charlie Baker)表示:“随着我们继续驾驶大流行,确保当地供应强大的面具和其他个人防护设备对我们击败病毒并努力康复的能力至关重要。”“我们的政府很荣幸能够支持MERT计划,以帮助制造商枢转运营以制作关键材料,以应对Covid-19,我们期待继续与Shawmut Corporation和Fallon Company等创新公司合作,以确保居民安全的安全。并加强我们的经济。”

“ MERT计划是我们政府对Covid-19的反应的重要组成部分,帮助当地公司在马萨诸塞州生产数百万个个人保护设备,”州长Karyn Polito中尉说。“我们感谢Shawmut Corporation,Fallon Company和所有MERT参与者的合作伙伴关系,他们在我们的英联邦拥有强大的PPE和其他材料供应链。”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has put an incredible strain on the country’s healthcare system, and the overreliance on overseas PPE has led to continued shortages and massive counterfeiting of these critical products,” said majority investor Joseph Fallon, CEO, The Fallon Co. “We partnered with Shawmut to rapidly bring our vision for Made-in-America PPE to reality and make sure we are never again in a position where we have to worry if we will have enough high-quality, domestically-produced PPE to keep people safe and healthy.”

Shawmut的首席执行官James Wyner表示:“ Shawmut在高级材料制造业上的100多年经验使我们自然地成为了长期的国内PPE制造商。很荣幸能在帮助解决该国N95面具短缺方面发挥作用。我们将材料创新专业知识用于创建一个行业领先的N95面膜,可提供卓越的质量和安全性以及全天的舒适性。而且,由于我们在美国制造了面具,因此我们可以不断监视质量,运输更快,并以有竞争力的价格为客户提供更好的产品。”

作为其美国制造的Protex N95计划的一部分,Shawmut改装了近70,000平方英尺的工业空间,以适应生产。其N95设施包括:

  • 来自德国的ReifenhäuserReicofilGmbH&Co(全球最先进的融化过滤器媒体生产系统)的新设备的数百万美元投资,以在内部生产其专有的过滤器媒体。
  • 一个完全自动化和灵活的成型杯面罩生产系统,尽管是最具挑战性的N95面膜类型,但事实证明,至关重要的是至关重颗粒呼吸器。
  • 现场材料测试实验室和最先进的诊断设备,可让团队内部测试其产品,并有助于促进未来蒙版产品的快速开发。

“这是我们如何与其他行业进行交叉交易的另一个例子,以帮助确保我们的人口安全,” Thermo Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Channel总裁Lisa Witte说。“我们准备将这些N95呼吸器交到最需要它们的人的手中。”


Protex N95颗粒呼吸器型SR9520巧妙地考虑了舒适性。Determined to overcome user critiques that N95s are uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time, Shawmut designed custom-engineered, thermoform molds with feedback from front line workers and other users, to achieve a better fitting mask that doesn’t provide excessive pressure on the face and skin. With the combined use of 3D scanning, in-house testing and rapid prototyping, Shawmut innovated its patent-pending Protex ADC all-day-comfort system that combines a uniquely soft but strong inner layer, incredibly lightweight but highly efficient and effective inner filtration layer, and high-sealing viscoelastic nose foam for a secure but comfortable seal. The result is an N95 mask performance with less air resistance, cooler and less stale air inside the mask for easier breathability, less eyeglass fogging, and less pressure on the face for all-day-comfort and wear.

Protex N95颗粒呼吸器型SR9520至少提供95%的过滤效率,符合N95S的政府标准。大多数用户的表现,由Shawmut专有的高效,双层,双层,熔体过滤材料制成了模制杯式式呼吸器,这是大多数用户的首选,可为扩展磨损提供舒适的适合。由于使用Shawmut的高级材料专业知识开发的轻巧的内部过滤层,Protex N95呼吸器比市场上的其他呼吸器更轻,更透气。

Protex N95颗粒呼吸器模型SR9520的其他特征包括:

  • 柔软,专业的外部保护层;
  • 集成的鼻子泡沫和可调夹系统;和
  • 具有扩展的力曲线的工程弹性头带,适合较宽的面部和头部尺寸。


资料来源:Shawmut Corp.