
纽约州格林岛 - 2022年11月11日 - Ecovative,一家菌丝技术公司和Ecco Leather,Ecco Leather是丹麦鞋类品牌ECCO的一部分,以及创新和优质皮革的供应商,宣布了持续的合作伙伴关系,以发展和商业化下一代多种新产品的菌丝材料。

The first-of-its-kind partnership, between a traditional leather tannery and a mycelium technology company, leverages Ecovative’s strengths as a global leader in developing sustainable materials with mycelium — the fibrous ‘root structure’ of mushrooms — and ECCO Leather’s expertise in the development and production of leather for a wide range of consumer products. Earlier this year, Ecovative and ECCO Leather began trading materials and methods to test mycelium materials against the high performance standards for commercial leather products and tanning processes. That collaboration is being expanded and extended to bring new products to market. A long-term off-take agreement expects to see Ecovative supplying ECCO Leather with the custom-tuned mycelium materials developed through this process, which ECCO Leather will transform into novel materials for both its own brand and to supply its material partner network.

该协议为合作的材料开发和商业化可能性的全部范围打开了大门。From research through testing and prototyping to products on store shelves, both companies will apply their unique expertise and production technologies — such as AirMycelium™ at Ecovative, which produces 100% pure mycelium hides to specification, and ECCO Leather’s innovative tannery processes that require less time, chemicals, and water than traditional textile finishing methods.

“使用生物学发展新材料的最好,最快的方法是通过与Ecco皮革这样的合作伙伴关系,” Ecovative首席商务官Gavin McIntyre说。“通过结合我们大规模增长菌丝体的专业知识和能力,以及ECCO皮革对世界上最好的皮革产品所需的东西的广泛了解,我们将帮助该行业更接近真正的可持续性和循环。”

麦金太尔(McIntyre)与ECCO Leather的集团制造总监Bart Hofman-Kronborg一起将率先在各自的公司中建立新的合作伙伴关系。预计该项目将使创新的菌丝体材料达到全球规模,以解决对环境积极的产品的不断增长的需求。

“菌丝体代表了一个全新的画布,我们可以通过传统和新颖的物质过程来创建它。它消除了原始隐藏供应链的复杂性,而其快速高效的增长使我们能够将新的材料类别带入市场,这使消费者可以在石化衍生的材料上选择环保的选择,” Bart Hofman-Kronborg说:ECCO皮革制造总监。“从历史上看,制革厂与动物皮完全相关;有了菌丝体,这个千年历史的行业可以发展,多样化并扩展到更广泛的物质市场。”




Gavin McIntyre and Bart Hofman-Kronborg will be speaking at the 20th annual Textile Exchange Conference, held in Colorado Springs November 14 through 18. The conversation will cover the process of implementing material innovations in existing supply chains and infrastructure, which is key to Ecovative’s strategy for scaling.


资料来源:Ecovative / Ecco皮革