
With iPQ-Check, the module of the iPQ Center for 100 percent inspection, increasing quality assurance requirements, for example for materials produced from recyclates, can be covered.


G总部位于Ermany的BST Eltromat质量保证系统支持网络处理行业以多种方式促进可持续性的努力。尤其是在电影和包装部门中,几年来,循环经济一直是一个越来越重要的话题。该行业正在经历一个根本性的变化,这也提出了新的挑战,也针对质量保证系统。作为这些系统的全球领先制造商,BST Eltromat也处于帮助塑造循环经济的转型过程的最前沿。

网络指南,注册控制,网络监控,100%检查和颜色测量 - 质量保证系统正在最大程度地减少材料和能源消耗以及浪费,尤其是在柔性包装的制造中。这些系统既简单又安全,并且它们缩短了设置流程,并保证了恒定的生产质量水平。而且,出于行业4.0的目的,它们允许与上游和下游生产步骤进行交叉进程集成。因此,制造商使不同的区域能够在机器和解决方案之间共享过程数据。这种集成为提高网络处理行业效率的其他未知选项打开了,从而提高了可持续性。

所有这些,电影和包装行业的质量保证会改善整个价值链的生产过程和产品的环境足迹。但是,其他网络加工行业也从BST Eltromat质量保证系统实现的改善的可持续性中也受益。例子包括非织造,电池和轮胎行业。


In recent history, the improved sustainability of industrial production processes has been one of the main topics at nearly all of these industries’ exhibitions and conventions. Manufacturers of film and flexible packaging in particular have been under enormous pressure to substantially increase the environmental sustainability of their products. Across Europe, the EU Commission’s “A European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy” from early 2018 and the “Directive (EU) 2018/852 Amending Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste” have been setting the agenda: packaging should be 100-percent recyclable, reusable or biodegradable. In Germany, this has resulted in the German Packaging Act (VerpackG) that came into force at the beginning of 2019.

There is also pressure coming from the branded goods industry. It is giving manufacturers of flexible packaging until 2025 to deliver novel packaging solutions that are 100-percent recyclable, reusable or biodegradable. At the plastics exhibition K 2019 in Düsseldorf, functional monopolymer materials were first presented as a replacement for multipolymer composite materials that generally have been used for flexible packaging up to now. In addition, major efforts are underway to manufacture packaging from recycled plastics. The special challenge in the development and manufacture of new packaging materials is that not only do they have to hold up to the performance and visual quality of the previous materials, but they must allow for the same level of efficiency in their production.


新材料(包括回收材料)具有特殊特征,可以施加新的质量保证要求,例如,在网络指南或表面和印刷检查上。BST Eltromat通过调整后的Web指南系统,传感器和检查系统满足这些要求。例如,在制造新型包装材料时,可能有必要收集经验和处理专业知识,以调整网络引导辊上的涂料。

Another example are the Digimarc barcodes that are being used increasingly in the field of manufacturing packaging. In contrast to the previous one- and two-dimensional barcodes, the Digimarcs are components of the packaging design and thus are not immediately discernable to the human eye. They are usually integrated into the artwork on the packaging in several places. Digimarcs can be read from practically any angle and at the highest machine speeds. They also make it possible to automatically sort plastic packaging from recycling companies’ sorting units and send it directly to the recycling stage.

Digimarcs还为质量保证带来了新的挑战。BST Eltromat通过其IPQ视图来应对这些挑战,用于数字网络监控和IPQ-Check,以进行100%检查。两种解决方案都是BST Eltromat的IPQ-Center的模块,其中包括四个无缝集成的高端模块,用于Web打印中的质量控制和管理,并且其功能几乎涵盖了市场当前的所有当前需求。

此外,创新的传感器技术可以有助于最大程度地减少柔性包装制造中的材料消耗。BST Eltromat很快将提出有关网络指南如何节省更多材料的可能性,即使在高机器速度下也是如此。BST Eltromat在全球市场上面临新挑战并与客户合作,为个人需求开发新的解决方案而闻名。无论新包装材料的发展方向如何,该公司将继续通过其解决方案为市场提供灵活的支持。

CLS Pro 600数字线路和BST Eltromat与Conslitter-Typ Slitting Machine和集成平台的相互作用显示了一个具体示例,说明了集成过程如何支持包装生产中更多可持续性的具体示例。Wickeltechnik。这种集成消除了错误源,从而避免浪费。


The integration of the different process steps in the manufacture and further processing of flexible materials — from film extrusion to printing and packaging — presents various options for increasing sustainability. BST eltromat aspires to provide its customers with every possible option when networking its quality assurance systems. To this end, the company collaborates in working groups including the VDMA’s OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture). This interface aims to standardize the networking of the different production systems.

在2019年的展览和其他活动中,工业4.0是BST Eltromat的重要主题。For example, at the VDMA’s Circular Economy Forum at the K 2019, in its presentation “Quality Assurance Customized for Products Made of Recyclates” during the session on “Recyclates in Products,” the company showed how integrated processes support the manufacture of innovative plastic materials.

2017年,BST eltromat帮助但书d the Converting 4.0 network, initiated by the company KAMPF Schneid- und Wickeltechnik. At the K 2019, the two companies used a simulation to show the interaction of a CLS PRO 600 digital line and contrast sensor from BST eltromat with a ConSlitter-type slitting machine and Kampf Schneid- und Wickeltechnik’s the@vanced integrated platform. The integration allows the sensor technology and the motor-driven knife axle of the slitter to be set up automatically, which simplifies the cutting process and significantly shortens the setup times. Furthermore, it eliminates sources of error, thus preventing waste, which clearly shows how integrated processes support more sustainability in packaging production.


2019年11月中旬,BST Eltromat参加了Lengerich的Windmöller&Hölscher(W&H)的转换4.0网络的第四次聚会。该事件涉及跨过程边界的数据通信。BST Eltromat强调了如何将质量数据汇总到更高的效率和安全性以及更便利和可持续性,前提是该信息以同步形式获得。例如,人工智能可以从错误分类方面显着受益于过程分析。当前,转换4.0网络的成员正在开发方案,这些方案描述了如何通过考虑其他流程和材料数据来生成更多的添加价值。在这里,未来也有望令人兴奋。

工业4.0可以通过许多其他方式来提高柔性包装制造的可持续性。例如,在与SeeOne Vision Technology合作的框架内,这是位于佛罗伦萨的意大利佛罗伦萨的表面检查系统制造商,BST Eltromat正在将电影挤出信息与印刷过程中的质量数据联系起来。SeeOne的系统检测到不同材料的表面缺陷,例如膜,金属胶片,纸张或纸板,并使用人工智能将其分类为孔或夹杂物,或者将其分类为昆虫或泥土等异物。从表面检查中获得的发现可用于优化生产过程。

例如,如果质量的原始胶体将质量馈送到BST Eltromat的IPQ-WorkFlow中,则可以解释跨过程边界的缺陷。一个例子:在薄膜挤出中,如果质量保证在胶片的特定线性仪表中检测到异常,则将其记录在质量日志中。如果在印刷过程中后期的同一胶卷中出现了不希望的结果,则可以将原因确定为与膜挤出过程有关。

此外,BST Eltromat正在与该行业的合作伙伴合作,以进一步最大程度地减少Web打印中的废物。

编者注:Michael Dattner博士是德国BST Eltromat International的创新经理。
