
ÜBACH-PALENBERG, Germany — September 30, 2016 — Energy, raw materials and personnel – each of these resources costs money, is in short supply and therefore needs to be used economically and efficiently. The desire to minimise resource consumption has caused all sectors to rethink their priorities. Sustainability is in demand and the new target in the textile industry and elsewhere is: zero waste. With its E3 strategy, Saurer has been moving consistently in this direction for some years:

与任何其他自动绕组机器相比,AutoConer 6在绕组过程中的零废物的目标更有效地实现。它的能量比其前身少20%,减少纱线废物并节省压缩空气。AutoConer 6是从AutoConer 338开始的开发理念的结果 - 每个新模型中资源消耗的系统减少。



绕组过程中的操作周期会导致浪费,这尤其令人讨厌,因为废料由有价值的纱线组成。因此,Schlafhorst通过可靠的纱线接机系统减少了周期的数量,避免紧张局势断裂和经济的纱线清除,这些清除集中在绝对必要的清晰切割上。新型AutoConer 6的吸气喷嘴已被优化,以改善纱线拾取。除了自动FX外,每个AutoConer现在还具有一个张力孔系统,以防止基本机器版本中的张力中断。对上纱和下纱线以及创新的SmartCycle系统的独立独立搜索使周期序列变得更加聪明和节俭。得益于上纱传感器的精度,该传感器最初是在AutoConer 338中引入的,因此周期时间短得多。传感器确保卸下纱线的长度尽可能短,从而将废物减少多达40%。自市场推出以来大约20年的时间里,加起来,加起来有多达几吨的纱线废物节省了。

预防纱线废物的第二种方法是提高长度测量值的精度。Ecopack FX保证长度偏差明显低于±0.5%。不再需要按储备长度挥动。这意味着下游过程中不再有任何残差包。

Residual bobbins in the winding process can be avoided with the Autotense FX yarn tension control system, which prevents yarn breaks and ensures that the yarn is efficiently unwound right down to the last metre of yarn.

The zero waste concept would not be complete without having the possibility of reusing valuable yarn residues, which can therefore be collected separately from dust in the Autoconer.

Schlafhorst总是考虑到ders the complete textile process chain and has succeeded in preventing waste in downstream processing. With its FX technologies, in particular PreciFX, the Autoconer is able to produce packages that are optimally prepared for downstream processes. This does away with rewinding processes, e.g. during dyeing, that cause yarn loss.

Zero energy waste

When it comes to energy consumption, it is the drive system that offers the greatest potential for making savings. Schlafhorst has for years been a pioneer in the use of state-of-the-art motor and drive technologies and has continually improved the efficiency of the Autoconer. The direct drum drive of the Autoconer 338 and the introduction of single drives on the Autoconer 5 were important milestones on this path. In the new Autoconer 6, maximum performance efficiency is ensured thanks to the Eco-Drum-Drive system, high-slide energy-saving bearings and motors that meet the IE3 standard.

Vacuum production is another important factor in the energy budget of a winding machine. In the earlier Autoconer 338, the sensor control system reduced energy consumption. Thanks to SmartCycle, SmartJet and the intelligent “Power on Demand” principle, the Autoconer 6 works with a significantly lower vacuum requirement than other automatic winding machines, while maintaining maximum process stability.




Compressed air is mainly used for cleaning the machine. With an open design, in which all areas are easily accessible, Schlafhorst has succeeded in significantly reducing the cleaning requirements. The amount of energy used in removing dust from the bobbins has been greatly reduced in the Autoconer. Modern control systems now offer further savings. When cleaning the winding positions, the new MultiJet regulates the frequency and strength of the blowing pulses according to the level of contamination. This has led in practice to a 10-15 % saving in compressed air depending on the settings.


AutoConer 6还有助于在下游过程中节省压缩空气。多亏了AutoConer软件包的优化放松行为,在模型实用应用中,机盘编织机上的压缩空气消耗量已减少了3%。

Sensitising personnel to the idea of zero waste

但是,零废物不能仅通过技术手段来实现。将人员敏感到零废物的想法至关重要,因为许多生产参数对资源消耗有影响。AutoConer 6的新能源监测系统支持人员在确保有效操作的任务下。它在运行期间在线衡量并显示能源和压缩空气消耗。这种直接反馈可以帮助人员专门优化消费。

零废物 - 可持续性和效率

AutoConer 6提供了一系列技术解决方案,使该行业更接近零废物的目标。Schlafhorst继续在这个问题上进行强烈的工作,因为资源消费的各个方面是购买决策的越来越重要的因素,并且对于日常使用纺织机械具有巨大的重要性。

