成本效益的生产:R 36-旋转再生纤维的强度很强

链接No 72 72-205成本效益的生产Karel Bonek DUP_88395_originalBy Karel Bonek

r收集的纤维越来越重要,因为它们降低了旋转的原材料成本。转子旋转技术最适合这些纤维。新的半自动转子旋转机R 36可以产生高质量的纱线。

它们比新的原材料便宜:从编织织物或针织织物中回收的再生纤维。这种变体在降低全球纱线成本方面发挥了越来越重要的作用。但是,先决条件是由此产生的纱线特征找到了必要的接受程度。大量的短纤维限制了纱线的强度,并降低了旋转过程的稳定性。新开发的转子旋转机R 36特别适合旋转再生纤维。市场上非常欣赏到半自动转子旋转机R 36上产生的纱线的质量。AMISPIN系统始终如一的高拼接质量可确保后续过程顺利流动。与具有过时的拼接机制的自动化机器的纱线相比,客户经常更喜欢R 36的质量。


使用R 36的客户与旧型号R 35或R 923相比,新S 36旋转盒的旋转稳定性明显更好/tex高36.此外,纱线的不均匀性更好。如果纤维材料仍然合适,这支持R 36的可能性也可以使用再生纤维进行较高的计数。


遗传代数与R 36演示了一个广泛的测试ionship between yarn abrasion and rotor diameter. This opens up new possibilities for spinning regenerated fibers. With smaller rotors, yarn strength and evenness are getting better thanks to optimized fiber flow and improved spinning tension. At the same time, yarn abrasion is reduced(见图1)。这意味着在后续过程中,由再生纤维制成的纱线产生的灰尘减少了。这种趋势也随R35而增加。有些客户已经使用转子,直径为36或38毫米,在此类应用中旋转。

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Strengths Of R 36 For Coarse Counts

Complementary to the technological strength of the improved spin box S 36, the new R 36 unrolls functions that are especially interesting for spinning of coarse yarns from regenerated fibers (the R 35 also already has some of these functions):

  • The optimized AMIspin spin start assists for good quality and efficiency, especially with yarns of low strength. The new optional AMIspin-Pro technology with better setting possibilities increases the success rate. The fast and simple piecing without having to press another button saves time and ensures uniform quality.
  • 得益于R 36的完全独立的一面,批次变化变得更加容易。
  • 由于机器的设计结实,长机器也具有很高的生产力,没有速度限制。
  • “质量旋转”(QSI)功能以节省时间和节能的方式启动了整个机器。QSI过程保证了始终高的AMISPIN质量的片段。如果安装了纱线清除器,它们还会测试所有零件。
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Figure 2: The sliver feed (top) and the dirt particles (bottom) eliminated during spinning show that the good fibers are fully utilized. The optimized air flow and the improved fiber guidance in the S 36 spin box form the basis for this.



The rotor spinning machine R 36 is well suited to also handle the shorter fibers after recycling. Due to different sources, the composition of the material is less constant than with original cotton. Yarn ends that are not fully opened and contamination from pieces of filaments, such as from elastomers, are especially demanding for the spinning process. Such elements may be spun into the yarn by the spin box S 36. Nevertheless, the frequency of contamination will affect the yarn breakage rate.

各种旋转厂的经验表明,Rieter客户成功地使用R 36处理了这种具有挑战性的材料(见图2)。Thanks to its easy operation in combination with a sturdy machine design, they achieve commercial success with the R 36.

编者注:Karel Bonek是瑞士Rieter Group的转子旋转产品经理机器和系统业务组。可以通过karel.bonek@rieter.com与他联系
