Picanol推出了新的Connect Generation Airjet和Rapier编织机

比利时艾佩(IEPER) - 2021年11月4日 - Picanol引入了其最新一代的Airjet和Rapier编织机,这些机器被称为“连接”一代。这些新一代的编织机专注于连接性和增加数据可用性水平。借助这一新一代,Picanol正在推出几个新功能,例如数字化抓地力划分设置,抓地力磁带监测,气候控制,脱落角度测量和完全集成的功率监控。

“在本月早些时候成功推出了数字平台PICCONNECT之后,我们现在发布了新一代的编织机,被称为连接一代。我们的连接生成编织机可以提供正确的数据,并带有新的且从未见过的功能。这清楚地证明,对于皮肤醇,“由数据驱动”不仅是口号,而且是一个承诺。这些创新不仅使我们在我们的四个设计原则方面取得了重大改进 - 智能性能,内部可持续性,直观的控制,当然是在数据驱动的情况下 - 而且与我们的新数字平台相结合时,它们将允许您允许您为了扩大自己的直觉,”编织机副总裁Johan Verstraete评论说。

From now on, the range of Picanol weaving machines will have the “Connect” suffix. For the airjet weaving machines, this means: OmniPlus-i Connect and TerryPlus-i Connect, while for the rapier weaving machines, this means: OptiMax-i Connect and TerryMax-i Connect. These new machines are built around Picanol’s four main design principles:


On the OptiMax-i Connect, Picanol has introduced a lubrication monitoring sensor in combination with a temperature sensor. The combined data they provide allow the user to make sure the gripper tapes are in optimal condition for maximum performance. As an option, a gripper stroke measurement sensor is also available. This not only dramatically simplifies the setting of the gripper stroke, but also enables the user to realize higher machine speeds when weaving reduced widths — a pure extra output combined with more user-friendliness: a double win!


即使在25年前推出了Sumo Drive概念,但它仍然是最强大,通用和能源友好的机器驱动器。它已得到进一步优化。它具有优化的钣金套件,可降低能源消耗,优化的油冷却电路,以获得更好的性能和内置的温度监测。此外,连接机可以配备电源监视模块,该模块使用户可以跟踪随着时间的推移的每台机器的功耗。每台连接机还具有内置的环境温度和湿度传感器,这将有助于以最低的成本优化织造棚中的气候控制。由于原材料是最大的成本因素,因此每台机器还可以配备原材料使用监视。


由于机器的传感器比以往任何时候都要多,因此它也会生成更多数据。为了对所有这些传感器数据产生快速反应,蓝箱控制单元已得到进一步优化:更好的热量管理可确保短期反应周期与组件的长寿命相结合。为了对所有生成的数据有良好的视野,在蓝色显示屏中提供了特殊的传感器仪表板屏幕:屏幕的简单触摸,当前和历史功耗,温度,湿度,材料消耗,以及 -Omniplus-I连接 - 也可以监视空气消耗。现在,Bluetouch显示屏还配备了一个动作中心,这是一个电子日志,可以事先记录或安排所有操作(例如维护干预措施)。现在可以在Bluetouch显示屏上获得机器手册,并且具有基于上下文的帮助功能,帮助用户想要执行的操作的帮助页面以他/她的指尖触摸出现。内置的Web浏览器甚至允许用户甚至可以咨询网络上的教程视频,以指导他们通过设置过程。


The Connect generation was designed to focus on what really matters: weave the highest possible grade A fabrics at minimal costs. A large set of tools have been installed to facilitate this goal. One of the most remarkable ones is the Harness frame stroke measurement — until recently, it was only available on the revolutionary SmartShed, but it is now also available on the cambox and dobby machines. Combined with the shed visualization and simulation, it offers a quantum leap in terms of optimizing the user’s shed settings without losing any time or taking any risks. The colors of the programmable Smart signal lights with stop timing functionality are now repeated around the push buttons, allowing even better visibility and the prioritization of interventions by the weaver. A full- fledged Access control system not only limits the access to certain pages and settings depending on the user, but also allows a tailored dashboard to be established for each user profile.



Source:Picanol NV