
吉姆·菲利普斯(Jim Phillips),纱线市场编辑

t他美国 - 墨西哥 - 加拿大协议,特朗普政府对北美自由贸易协定的替代者的替代者似乎很快成为现实,因为预计美国参议院将早在1月16日就辩论并最终通过了贸易法案。

为了使该法案继续下一阶段,参议院需要批准该法案,美国众议院在12月也需要批准该法案。参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)预计,该法案将在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的弹each审判开始之前获得大量两党认可。

“We are, it looks like, going to be able to process the USMCA here in the Senate this week,” McConnell told news organizations earlier in the week. “That’ll be good news for the Senate and for the country, and something I think we have broad bipartisan agreement on.”




“所有的注意力都将集中在加拿大get the job done quickly so we can all work together to implement this agreement,” Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Grassley said on the Senate floor.


After agreeing in December to suspend a new round of tariffs they had planned to impose on each other December 15, the United States and China have been moving closer to ending a prolonged trade dispute. The suspension of the December tariffs brought some much-need relief to economic sectors in in both countries, particularly the manufacturing and chemical industries, which had borne the brunt of the trade war.

此外,1月15日,美国和中国签署了旨在降级为期两年贸易战的贸易协议的“第一阶段”。签署交易后,全国纺织组织理事会(NCTO)发表了一份谨慎的乐观声明。NCTO总裁兼首席执行官金·格拉斯(Kim Glas)表示:“尽管我们仍在研究今天签署的交易的细节,但我们为最终敦促中国建立更合理和平等的贸易关系的政府表示赞赏。”“在过去30年中,中国的掠夺性实践严重破坏了我们的行业,我们渴望看到一个新的合理贸易原则和平衡贸易时代。

“与此同时,我们质疑降低关税的最后一项,首先提出的方法。在我们的行业中,这意味着对成品服装和缝制产品的罚款301关税(关税在加强西半球供应链的同时具有最大潜力进行改革的领域 - 在美国制造商继续面对全面的同时,将其削减了一半某些投入和设备的关税在国内不可用。”

the National Retail Federation also released a statement in support of the agreement. “NRF strongly supports the administration’s efforts to address China’s unfair trading practices but we hope this is the first step toward eliminating all of the tariffs imposed over the past two years,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said. “The trade war won’t be over until all of these tariffs are gone. We are glad to see the phase one deal signed, and resolution of phase two can’t come soon enough.”

